Proctor Office

Postal Address
Proctor Office
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Proctor Office Profile
The Proctor and his team examine all disciplinary and related issues of the students. Student’s
misconduct/indiscipline cases shall be brought to the notice of the Proctor. Depending on the gravity of
the case, the Proctor recommends appropriate action to the Disciplinary Committee.
Ragging is banned in the campus, use of drugs, drug trafficking and eve teasing are strictly forbidden in
the University and persons found indulging in such activities will be subjected to strict disciplinary and
other actions in keeping with the law of the land. Indulging in any criminal activity within or outside the
University and any physical violence against fellow students and fellow residents will not be tolerated
and will attract stern disciplinary action including rustication. For more details visit the website.