Head of Department
Email : hod.commerce@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23008365
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Commerce
School of Commerce and Management Studies
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Commerce has been established during the year 2015-16 under the School of Commerce and Business Management. The Department is currently offering Bridge Course for Madarsa Students, B.Com., M.Com. and Ph.D. programs. The programs focus on emerging issues in Commerce, Accounting and Finance such as application of Computers in Accounting and Finance, Banking and Insurance etc. Programs have been designed in a way to meet the requirements of Industry and Business. The M.Com. offers specializations in Finance and Accounting. Project work is a mandatory component of M.Com. program which provides Industrial experience in real time.

Head of Department
Email : hod.education@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23006040
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Education & Training
School of Education & Training
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
Education is the fundamental right of every child in our country. The objective of the Department of Education and Training is to prepare teachers for the elementary, secondary and senior secondary schools and teacher – educators for the Colleges of teacher Education. The network of Colleges of Teacher Education is spread across the country. The Department imparts quality education in modern pattern through Urdu medium at different levels of teacher education from Diploma (D.El.Ed), Under Graduate (B.Ed.), Post-Graduate (M.Ed.) to Research level (Ph.D.) programs. The research focus is on Teacher Education, Minority Education, Madarsa Education, Distance Education, Inclusive Education, Environmental Education, ICT in Education and Comparative Education.

Head of Department
Email : hod.mcj@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23008354
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department was established in 2004 with introduction of M.A. degree program in Journalism and Mass Communication. The department has experienced faculty members with wide range of interest and experience in the media. The department is supported by labs with State of the Art equipment for Print, Radio, Television and Video Production.
The Department also offers Ph.D. course in JMC. The admission for Ph.D. is through entrance test. The thrust area of the research is the portrayal of minorities, marginalized Indian communities, representation of the under-privileged in the field of media, and other areas that have remained under explored by academic research institutions. From academic year 2018, department introduced under graduate program B.A. (JMC) with an intake of 30 students.

Head of Department
Email : hod.arabic@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040- 23008319
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Arabic
School of Languages Lingusitic & Indology
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
Arabic is the main language of the Semitic family of languages and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. The Department of Arabic was established in 2006 to meet the ever growing demand of scholars who are well versed in Arabic language as well as equipped with skills needed to fulfill the requirements of the academic and business world.
The Department imparts knowledge of Classical and Modern Arabic language and literature. It lays emphasis on human values and has made them an integral part of the curriculum.The focus is also on training the students and to enhance their skills in translation and interpretation with an objective of placements in reputed national and international institutions and MNCs. A good number of former students are working in well multinational companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google etc. The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D. programs and three part-time programs i.e. Certificate of Proficiency in Arabic, Diploma in Arabic and Advanced Diploma in Professional Arabic. The Department also offers Arabic language courses for UG programs viz., B.A., B.Com, and B.Sc. Thrust areas of research are Translation, Modern Arabic Literature and Research Methodology.

Head of Department
Email : hod.persian@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Persian
School of Languages Lingusitic & Indology
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Persian was established in 2008 as part of School of Languages, Literature and Indology. It is striving hard to become a important seat of Persian Studies. The Department offers courses of Persian at various levels for Bridge Courses, Undergraduate Programs, MA (Persian), Ph.D. and Diploma in Persian. The Thrust areas for research in Persian Studies are Manuscriptology, Documents reading & translation, Historiography (especially Medieval Indian History), Epigraphy, Numismatics, Indo-Persian Literature, Sufi Poets, Cultural studies, Comparative Linguistics, Modern Trends in Persian Language, Literature and Culture. The department is trying to meet the basic objectives of Persian Studies as a Research Language for Indian Cultural Heritage and as an International Language.

Head of Department
Email : hod.management@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23006601
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Management Studies
School of Commerce and Management Studies
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 400032
Brief Profile
Department of Management Studies was established under the School of Commerce and Business Management with the introduction of MBA Program in the academic year 2004-05. MBA offers four specializations i.e Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Tour & Hospitality Management. A part from the regular Management Studies which are an Integral part of any management course emphasis is laid upon Case studies at in the respective functional areas, Personality development sessions, Guest lectures by experts from industry, Seminars by the students on wide ranging topics, Management games and Industrial visits. The program is intended to develop and understanding of industry and acquire skills for career development of students. The Department also offers Ph.D. in in Management Studies. The research programs promotes innovation, focuses on activities that can make a difference to problems that matter to industry and society and has a business-friendly attitude to foster external collaborations. The Department research focus is on various major areas namely General Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management and Human Resource Management. And has highly supportive research environment that nurtures and develops future generations of young researchers.

Head of Department
Email : hod.polscience@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23008327
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Political Sciences
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Political Science was established as an independent Department in 2015. Earlier, the Department was jointly working with the Department of Public Administration. The Department started with M.A. in Political Science in 2012 and started offering courses for B.A. Program from 2014. The Department gradually progressed and started its Ph.D. Program from 2017-18 academic session with the object to nurture quality research by establishing conditions most appropriate for incubating scholarly activity.
Today, it is one of the largest departments in terms of students and courses in the School of Social Sciences with students from more than 7 states and from different social backgrounds. With a mix of young and experienced pool of faculty, the Department is committed to provide high quality learning experience to its students and researchers. As a promising department, it aims to emerge a learning centre of excellence and distinguished scholarship. It also strives to provide multidimensional learning experiences which integrate rigorous academic, applied, practical and cross-disciplinary perspectives to ensure a deep understanding of Political Science in all its contexts.

Head of Department
Email : hod.publicadmin@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23008327
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Public Administration
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Public Administration was established in 2006 and it offers courses for Bridge Course; UG programs; M.A. in Public Administration. The department also offers Ph.D. in Public Administration. The Department strives to provide in-depth knowledge in the field of Public Administration with an objective to create Political and Administrative thinkers & practitioners, academics, and civil services & corporate sector aspirants. The research thrust areas includes Public Policy, Local Government, E-governance, women’s rights, child rights, minority rights and human rights.

Head of Department
Email : hod.economics@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Economics
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Economics at Maulana Azad National Urdu University is one of the youngest department of the university, which established in 2014. The department intends to make a qualitative contribution to teaching to the students through Urdu medium so as to promote ‘inclusiveness’ in higher education-a pre-requisite to ‘inclusive growth’. Since its inception the department with strength of four faculty members offers courses for graduate and post graduate programs in Economics. The faculty members at the Department are from the diverse fields’ e.g. International Trade, International Finance, Applied Econometrics, Quantitative Economics, Monetary Economics, Islamic Banking and Development Economics. The diversity of specializations of the faculty members promotes multifaceted research at the department as well as contributes to provide a certain depth to its post graduate program in Economics.
The department also recognizes the growing demand for trained manpower in applied economic research for Agriculture, Industry, Government, IT sector, Banking and Finance sector, NGOs and other socioeconomically relevant fields. To cater to the growing demand for the trained economists for the industry and the academia, the department started Ph.D. program in Economics from the academic year 2017-18.
The thrust areas of the department are development of marginalised and minority communities’ in India in general and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in particular. The course structure of the department’s post graduate program and the research being undertaken at the department have been thus designed to focus on these thrust areas identified by the department. With a judicious mix of theoretical and quantitative approach, the department since the day of its inception has geared itself to emerge as a strong teaching, learning and research department of the university.

Head of Department
Email : hod.sociology@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department Sociology
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Sociology was established in the year 2014. The Department offers Bridge Course for Madarsa students; courses for UG programs; and M.A. in Sociology and Ph.D. program. The Department of Sociology aims at generating a class of sociologists - through teaching, training, research and other extension activities - equipped with core competencies, social sensitivities and a broad social understanding required to gauge the complexities in the social systems.
Curriculum offered in the Department focuses on the issues of general sociological concern with a special focus on issues pertinent to the sociology of Islam and Muslim communities. The students are encouraged to take up field studies which will equip them with empirical realities along with theoretical knowledge.

Head of Department
Email : hod.islamicstudies@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23008364
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Islamic Studies
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Islamic Studies was established in 2012. The department offers M.A, Ph. D and Diploma in Islamic Studies programs. The department also offers Islamic Studies as core and generic elective/Discipline Specific Elective for Post-Graduate and undergraduate programs of other department students. The main objective of the department is to impart teaching and conduct research in Islamic Studies in a modern perspective. These days Islam has taken a central stage in public discussions and debates relating particularly to its political ideas and social approaches.
Apart from this,Islam has a vast history of its rich civilization and culture pertaining to India and the world as a whole.Its achievements have been very unique in various fields of human life. It has played a remarkable role in the progress and prosperity of humanity. These aspects are subjects of the studies and research in today’s academic world. The department studies the vast areas of Islamic sciences, law, culture, civilization, mysticism and though with the aim to train scholars in the subject of Islamic Studies.

Head of Department
Email : hod.socialwork@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008437
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Social Work
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile

Head of Department
Email : hod.physics@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Physics
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Physics was established in the year 2014. The Department offers courses for
Undergraduate program. The Department has plans to start the M.Sc. and Research programs in near
future. The Department has faculty with national and international research experience in frontier areas
of Physics such as of Electronics, Theoretical Physics and Astronomy. The Department at present is
offering Bridge Course for Madarsa students; and B.Sc. program.

Head of Department
Email : hod.chemistry@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008323
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Chemistry
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2014, The Department offers courses for
Undergraduate program. The Department has plans to start the M.Sc. and Research programs in near
future. The Department at present is offering Bridge Course for Madarsa students; and B.Sc. program.

Head of Department
Email : hod.zoology@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008323
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Zoology
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Zoology was established in the year 2014, the Department offers courses for Undergraduate program and envisages to offer Post graduate programs soon. The department also offers Ph.D program. The faculty has rich research experience in Systematic s/Bio-diversity, Genetics, toxicology, endocrinology and cancer biology.

Head of Department
Email : hod.csit@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008367
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of CS & IT
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology was established in University with the introduction of one year Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT) programme in the year 2006, with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation, the department has always produced quality professionals, holding important positions in IT industry.
The Department has started Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Modular (Dual Exit) programme in the year 2011 with the aim to develop core competence in Computer Science and prepare the students to carry out development work, as well as take up challenges in research. After first year and second year student can opt to exit at PGDIT or M.Sc.(IT) level respectively.
In order to imbibe entrepreneurship skills to the youth of the country, the department has started Bachelor of Technology in CS&IT [B.Tech (CS&IT)] programme from 2013 with the aim to prepare quality professionals.
To ignite the minds with quality research, the Department has started Ph.D(Computer Science) program from 2013.
The Department has always been on a high growth path and to keep pace with the current technological trends. Further to provide academic training and research expertise, the department has started Master of Technology in Computer Science [M.Tech (CS)] in the year 2015

Head of Department
Email : hod.translation@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23008442
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
Department of Translation is among-st the first of its kind in India. The Department offers a Postgraduate program M. A. in Translation Studies and Ph. D. in Translation Studies. Besides a strong theoretical foundation, the Department emphasizes on the practical aspects of Translation with an objective to train students as professional Translators, and motivate them to take up research in Translation Studies. The recent trends, technologies and terminology are part of the curriculum. The Department offers generic elective courses in Translation for students of other departments.

Postal Address
Department of History
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of History was established in 2014. The Department offers Bridge Course for Madarsa students; courses for UG programs; and M.A. in History and Ph.D. program. The Department has experienced teachers drawn from various reputed universities. The syllabi has been framed keeping in view the national interests, country’s ethos, employability of students and objective of the University to promote women’s development and other sections of the marginalized communities. Its aim, in particular, is to nurture the spirit of national integration and multiculturalism within the globally-set standards of quality teaching and research. The Department has plans to start to research programs and diploma programs in Tourism Management, Museology, Archival Management and courses allied to the industrial development, cultural diplomacy and policy planning of the Government of India.

Head of Department
Email : hod.urdu@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23532006
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Urdu
School of Languages Lingusitic & Indology
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The main objective of the Department is to spread awareness about literary and cultural importance in the lives of mankind in general and to highlight the identity and relevance of Urdu language, literature and culture in particular in India and the world. It aims to promote the Urdu culture as the culture of representation of Indian genius, Urdu language as the language of knowledge and Urdu literature as the literature of values, which can withstand the buffeting forces of time and keep on marching. The department puts efforts to get the research scholars undertake meaningful, effective and advantageous research under the supervision of the faculty to develop and widen the field of knowledge. It also aims at creating academic atmosphere for the students so that they may acquire knowledge and insight of the legacy of Urdu literature. In order to inculcate poetic and literary refined taste among the students and other desirous people the department has introduced a special program in appreciation of Urdu Ghazal i.e. Diploma in Tahseen -e- Ghazal. The Department offers courses for B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., programs and the part-time Diploma programs. The thrust areas of research are: Study of Modern Culture, Language, Literature; Deccani Language, Literature and Culture; Linguistics; Mass Media; Translation, Aazadiyaat (Study of Maulana Azad) and new approaches in the field of Literary Criticism.

Head of Department
Email : hod.womeneducation@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23006612
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Women Education
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Women Education was established in 2004. The Department offers Post Graduate, and Ph.D. programs in Women’s Studies since its inception. A multi-pronged approach is called for at all levels in developing, strengthening, harnessing the female resource of the country. Despite being the most unconventional and a new entrant into academic, Women’s Studies is simultaneously a discourse, a methodology and an agenda for action.
The subject matter of this course is “Women” and hence it transcends boundaries of disciplines and eventually assumes inter-disciplinary nature. The syllabus for the course is designed with an aim to empower students with adequate knowledge of their rights and privileges and it trains them to emerge as successful change-agents in the desired direction of social transformation. Recently, Women’s Studies is included as an approved subject of study for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) with stipend by the University Grants Commission to qualify for Lectureship in Colleges/ Universities.
Regional Director
Email : rd.delhi@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 011-26934762
Fax No(s) : 011-26838260
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre - Delhi 164, First Floor, Sukhdev Vihar Near Masigarh Church
City : Delhi
State : Delhi
Pin Code : 110025
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Delhi
Regional Director
Email : rd.patna@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0612-2300413
Fax No(s) : 0612-2300413
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre,
2nd floor, Masjid Mulla Shadman
Annexe Building, Near NIT, Golakpur
City : Patna
State : Bihar
Pin Code : 400032
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Patna
Regional Director
Email : rd.bengaluru@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 080-22115707
Fax No(s) : 080-22115707
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre-Banglore
Al-Ameen Commercial Complex,
Room No.08, Hosur Road,
Near Lal Bagh Main Gate
City : Bangalore
State : Karnataka
Pin Code : 560027
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Bangalore
Regional Director
Email : rd.bhopal@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0755-2737028
Fax No(s) : 0755-4223508
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre, # 12, Ahmedabad Palace, Koh-E-Fiza, Bhopal
City : Bhopal
State : Madya Pradesh
Pin Code : 462001
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Bhopal
Regional Director
Email : rd.srinagar@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0914-2310221
Fax No(s) : 0194-2310444
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre - Srinagar
College of Education, # 18B,
Jawahar Nagar, Opp BECO Gallery
City : Srinagar
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Pin Code : 190001
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Srinagar
Regional Director
Email : rd.mumbai@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 022-27820511; AR-Mobile: 09867649970; ARD-Mobile: 09870744259
Fax No(s) : 022-2782051
Postal Address
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Mumbai
State : Maharashtra
Pin Code : 400032
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Mumbai
Incharge Regional Centre
Email : rd.ranchi@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0651-2203345
Fax No(s) : 0651-2203345
Postal Address
MANUU Regional Centre - Ranchi Millat Academy Campus Tiwari Tank Road Hindpiri
City : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Pin Code : 834001
Brief Profile
Contents awaited from Regional Centre - Ranchi

Head of Department
Email : hod.maths@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Mathematics
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Mathematics was established in 2011. The Department of Mathematics is offering courses for the Undergraduate program, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. Mathematics. The faculty has diverse research interests - viz Wavelet & its applications, Algebra, Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy. Students in the Department come from different parts of the country which makes the teaching and learning environment very rich. The aim of the Department is to sharpen students' rational and mathematical skills, expose them to the varied possibilities of application of mathematics to different branches of science, engineering and industry.

Head of Department
Email : hod.maths@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Mathematics
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Mathematics was established in 2011. The Department of Mathematics is offering courses for the Undergraduate program, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. Mathematics. The faculty has diverse research interests - viz Wavelet & its applications, Algebra, Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy. Students in the Department come from different parts of the country which makes the teaching and learning environment very rich. The aim of the Department is to sharpen students' rational and mathematical skills, expose them to the varied possibilities of application of mathematics to different branches of science, engineering and industry.

Head of Department
Email : hod.maths@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Mathematics
School of Sciences
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The Department of Mathematics was established in 2011. The Department of Mathematics is offering courses for the Undergraduate program, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. Mathematics. The faculty has diverse research interests - viz Wavelet & its applications, Algebra, Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy. Students in the Department come from different parts of the country which makes the teaching and learning environment very rich. The aim of the Department is to sharpen students' rational and mathematical skills, expose them to the varied possibilities of application of mathematics to different branches of science, engineering and industry.
Postal Address
Ward No. 1, Hamid Colony, Tauru Road, Nuh,
Mewat Dist. - 122 107, Haryana
City : Nuh
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 122107
Brief Profile
Content will be Updated Soon

Email : principal.cte.aurangabad@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-240-2100536
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Aurangabad
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
DRP Educational Campus, Opp. Taj Residency, Mahmood Pura, Rauzabagh
City : Aurangabad
State : Maharashtra
Pin Code : 431001
Brief Profile
MANUU, College of Teacher Education, Aurangabad (MS) is a constituent college of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. It is situated in a quiet, peaceful, and scenic location in the historic city of Aurangabad (MS). The college has a spacious building with required number of class rooms, well-furnished Multipurpose Hall. The provision is made for Library cum Reading Room. The Library is well furnished with around 3000 books, and subscription of 13 journals in the current year. It has also well equipped Curriculum Labs (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Psychology Lab), ICT Resource Centre, Art & Craft Resource Centre and facilities for Health and Physical Education activities, etc. In addition, the college has also the provision of Visitors Room, Girl’s Common Room, separate Toilet facility for both Boys and Girls, Parking space, Play Field, Administrative Office and Staff room etc., in the building. To safeguard the premises against fire hazard desirable equipment have been provided in all parts of the building. Uninterrupted electricity and safe drinking water facility also have been provided in the institution. Internet facility is made available for the use of both the students and the faculty. The College is established to meet the ever increasing needs of the Urdu Medium Secondary & Higher Secondary School Teachers in Maharashtra in particular and the Nation as a whole. Presently it is running B.Ed. (R) programme having 2 years duration (4 Semesters) with an intake capacity of 50 students (one unit).The academic calendar of B.Ed. programme normally starts from 1st of August every year. The programme schedule with the all details is notified in the University Prospectus with the commencement of the admission process.The college has adopted the revised curriculum of B.Ed. as per the NCTE regulations 2014 approved by the University.The curriculum of the B.Ed. Programme is consisting of three core parts namely: Perspectives in Education, Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies, and Engagement with Field. The peer teaching in first semester and Teaching Practice & Internship Programmes as the part of institutional engagement in rest of the three semesters of varied duration forms the integral part of the curriculum. Thus, the present B.Ed. curriculum gives multifaceted &highly enriched opportunities and platform tothe pupil teachers under the committed and expertise faculty members of the college to explore and practice the new ideas and prove themselves as quality teachers. Moreover, in addition, the college has also a centre for B.Ed. (DM) with an intake capacity of 50 run by MANUU itself through its Directorate of Distance Education.

Email : principal.cte.bhopal@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0755-2744515
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Bhopal
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
MHK ITC Campus, Rafiquia School Road
City : Bhopal
State : Madya Pradesh
Pin Code : 462001
Brief Profile
College of Teacher Education, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) is a constituent college of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad and presently situated in old Bhopal city. This is one of the premier colleges of teacher education in and around the State of Madhya Pradesh. This college started with modest beginning in the year 2007 to meet the ever increasing demand of Urdu medium teachers at secondary and higher secondary levels in Madhya Pradesh in particular and the nation as a whole. During these 10 years of journey it has phenomenal record of growth and development as well as placement especially in government schools. Almost from every pass out batch a quite good number of students qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the states. Moreover, the students of this college have qualified even the toughest examination of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) whose pass percentage is merely 5-6% at national level. This benchmark is continuously on the raise and expected to get more number of CTET qualified students in future due to the mutual efforts put by the teachers and students. Although, this college has recently started the post graduate yet, a few students have also cracked the National Eligibility Test (NET) in Education due to the competitive ethos and atmosphere created and supported by the sincere and dedicated faculties. In nut shell, the college has developed a niche for the education which undoubtedly helpful in preparing professionals under the guidance and supervision of the faculties. The college keeps its focus on the vision and mission of the University.

Email : principal.cte.bidar@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : +91-9939981437
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Bidar
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Shaheen Nagar, Shahpur Gate Bidar
City : Bidar
State : Karnataka
Pin Code : 585403
Brief Profile
College of Teacher Education, Bidar, Karnataka State is a constituent College of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. The College of Teacher Education is established to fulfill the requirement of the Urdu Medium Secondary School Teachers in Karnataka State as there is a great demand for Urdu medium trained teachers. The College is located in the heart of the historic city Bidar which is called as crown of Karnataka. The college is situated temporarily in the Shaheen Education centre campus, The college has a spacious building with required number of class rooms, well furnished Multipurpose Hall, and well equipped Science & Mathematics resource Centre, Psychology Lab, ICT Resource Centre, Art and Craft Resource Centre and facilities for Health and Physical Educational activities. In addition to that there is a Library cum reading room. The Library is well furnished with 2400 books and 20 journals, recent reference and text books as per NCTE norms. Visitors Room, Girl’s Common Room, Separate Toilets for both Boys and Girls, Parking space, Play Field, Administrative Office and Staff room etc. are made available. Uninterrupted electricity and safe drinking water and Internet facility is also made available for the use of both the students and the faculty.

Email : principal.cte.sambhal@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 059233-231088
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Sambhal
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Al Tarin, Campus, Behjoi Road
City : Sambhal
State : Uttar Pradesh
Pin Code : 592323
Brief Profile
Sambhal is a town which is surrounded by very fertile fields. The population of this town is around 9 lakhs. The majority of the population belongs to Muslim and Yadav community. There are good numbers of educational institutions imparting general and technical education. The town is a popular market for suger, vegetables and other agricultural products. It is interesting to observe that girl from Muslim community do attend the schools and colleges without any cultural barriers. Some business houses in the town are involved in directly exporting the hand woven cloths, lather goods and other ingredients required for manufacturing the perfumes etc. one Philanthropic by name Nadeem Tareen after elaborate discussion with the MANUU officials decided to donate 7 acres of land to establish a college of Teacher Education (to impart B.Ed. in Urdu medium) so as to enable the graduate boys and girls to join the programme. This will further facilitate the local administration to draft them as teachers in Urdu medium schools which are suffering with the non availability of qualified teachers who are capable of teaching in Urdu medium both in secondary and senior secondary schools.
In view of such a request and involvement from the local community MANUU resolved to establish a College of Teacher Education at Sambhal (U.P). Already University has spent around 2 crores to construct compound wall and to equip the building and laboratory. This initiative from MANUU not only facilitate the local muslim students but also it enable the University to realize its mission of reaching the un reached.

Email : principal.cte.darbhanga@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) :
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Darbhnaga
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Ilyas Ashraf Nagar , Chandan Patti, Laheria Sarai
City : Darbhnaga
State : Bihar
Pin Code : 846001
Brief Profile
College of Teacher Education, Darbhanga (Bihar) is a constituent college of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad and presently situated at Ilyasashraf Nagar, Chandan Patti Village. This is one of the premier colleges of teacher education in and around the State of Bihar. This college started with modest beginning in the year 2007 to meet the ever increasing demand of Urdu medium teachers at secondary and higher secondary levels in Bihar in particular and the nation as a whole .It has attached Urdu Medium CBSE Higher Secondary, Kamran MANUU, Model School. During these 10 years of journey it has phenomenal record of growth and development as well as placement especially in government schools. Almost from every pass out batch a quite good number of students qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the states. Moreover, the students of this college have qualified even the toughest examination of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) whose pass percentage is merely 60% at national level. This benchmark is continuously on the raise and expected to get more number of CTET qualified students in future due to the mutual efforts put by the teachers and students. Although, this college has recently started the post graduate M.Ed programme, on an average 5 to 10 students crack the National Eligibility Test (NET) in Education due to the competitive ethos and conducive atmosphere created and supported by the sincere and dedicated faculties. In nut shell, the college has developed a niche for the education which undoubtedly helpful in preparing professionals under the guidance and supervision of the faculties. The college keeps its focus on the vision and mission of the University.

Email : principal.cte.srinagar@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0194-2434371
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Srinagar
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
M.E.T Senior Secondary Institute Baghat-e-Barzulla
City : Srinagar
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Pin Code : 190005
Brief Profile
CTE-Srinagar is a constituent college of MANUU-Hyderabad, established in the year 2005. The first batch of the B. Ed. (Regular) Course started with an intake capacity of 100 students in 2005. In due course of time the intake capacity was raised from 100 to 154. In the year 2012 M.Ed. (Regular) course was started with an intake capacity of 35 students. The college also has a programme centre for MANUU B.Ed. (Distance Mode).
Presently this college is housed in 56, Chinar Colony, Baghat Barzulla, Srinagar. It is centrally located, well connected by roads and 5 Kms away from Srinagar International Airport.
The Telephone and Fax No. of the College is Tel & Fax:- 0194-2434371.
Srinagar also known as Paradise on Earth, is a valley of lakes and mountains, a tourist destination, rich in natural resources. It is.
Email : principal.cte.asansol@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0341-2281901
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
CTE Asansol
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
Danishgah Islamia High School Campus, School Lane, Hutton Road
City : Asansol
State : West Bengal
Pin Code : 713301
Brief Profile
College of Teacher Education (CTE), Asansol (West Bengal) is a Constituent College of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad which was established in 2013 at Asansol West Bengal. The objective of MANUU - CTE, Asansol is to provide quality teacher education through Urdu medium. There are huge population of students in West Bengal who got their education through Urdu medium. So, MANUU - CTE, Asansol is getting its input from these Urdu knowing students and giving its output, successfully in the form of trained and qualified teachers to serve their services to the nation. At present, MANUU - CTE, Asansol is providing B.Ed. (Regular) 2 years course as per NCTE norms through Urdu medium. The College is established to meet the ever increasing needs of the Urdu Medium Secondary & Higher Secondary School Teachers in West Bengal in particular and the Nation as a whole. The College is situated in a quiet, peaceful, and scenic location in the heart of the Asansol Town. It is 1.5 km away from Asansol Railway Station. The college has a spacious building with required number of class rooms, well furnished Multipurpose Hall, and well equipped Science & Mathematics resource Centre, Psychology Lab, ICT Resource Centre, Art and Craft Resource Centre and facilities for Health and Physical Education activities etc. . The Library is well furnished with 3500 books, and 19 journals. Further, the library is attached with a spacious reading room which can accommodate 50 students at a time. Visitors Room, Girl’s Common Room, Separate Toilets for both Boys and Girls, Parking space, Play Field, Administrative Office and Staff rooms etc., in the building. To safeguard the premises against fire hazard desirable equipments have been provided in all parts of the building. Un interrupted electricity and safe drinking water facility also have been provided in the institution. Internet facility is made available for the use of both the students and the faculty.
Assistant Regional Director (Distance Mode)
Email : rd.jammu@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0191-2460150, 9419249813
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Jammu House No. 64, Lane No. 1, Gujjar Colony, Stadium Mode, Bypass, Channi, Himmat,
Jammu Jammu and Kashmir – 180015
City : Jammu
State : Jammu and Kashmir
Pin Code : 180015
Brief Profile
Content will be Updated Soon
Assistant Regional Director (Distance Mode)
Email : src.amravati@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 0721-2552654
Fax No(s) : 0721-2552654
Postal Address
Sagar Nagar, Old Bypass Road, Chaprasi Pura, Near Camp Masjid,
Amravati, Maharashtra – 444602
City : Amravati
State : Maharashtra
Pin Code : 444602
Brief Profile
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Assistant Regional Director (Distance Mode)
Email : rd.hyderabad@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 04024526656
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
MANUU Sub Regional Centre Hyderabad,
Room No.607, 6th Floor
Haj House Building, Opp Public Garden, Nampally
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500001
Brief Profile
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