Employee Profile

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.patna@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.bangalore@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Director |
Department | |
Email ID | razakhan@manuu.edu.in |
Teaching Interest | Research Interest: Financial Systems & Analysis, Knowledge Economy, IT Applications, Managerial Accounting, Management Support Systems |
Biography | Prof. Mohd Razaullah Khan is presently Centre for Distance and Online Education (formerly known as Directorate of Distance Education). He is having more than 30 years of Teaching and more than 25 years of Research experience to his credit. He has authored 2 Books and 60 Research Papers in National and International Journals. He has more than two decades of curricula designing experience at UG and PG level as a Member of Board of Studies, Faculty and Academic Council. He actively contributed for the introduction and development of e-commerce, e-business and e-learning modules/ courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He is the Research Supervisor since last 15 years and have successfully guided 12 Ph.D. and 20 M.Phil. students. He has guided more than 500 Masters Project in last 3 decades. He was the consulting expert for various commercial and educational IT related projects on honorary basis. |

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.bhopal@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.srinagar@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Provost (Girls Hostels) |
Department | Girls Hostel |
Email ID |

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID |

Designation | Incharge Regional Centre |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.ranchi@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Management Studies |
Email ID | hod.management@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Dean |
Department | Department of Urdu |
Email ID | dean.languages@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Provost (Boys Hostels) |
Department | Boys Hostel |
Email ID |

Designation | Joint Registrar |
Department | |
Email ID | jurioscope@outlook.com |

Designation | Regional Director |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.delhi@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Economics |
Email ID | hod.economics@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of Zoology |
Email ID |

Designation | Incharge Principal |
Department | CTE Sambhal |
Email ID |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Arabic |
Email ID | hod.arabic@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Incharge Principal |
Department | CTE Srinagar |
Email ID |

Designation | Principal |
Department | Polytechnic kadapa |
Email ID | |
Research Interest | Manufacturing |

Designation | Deputy Registrar |
Department | Finance Office |
Email ID |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Political Sciences |
Email ID | hod.polscience@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Controller of Examination |
Department | COE Staff |
Email ID | coe@manuu.ac.in |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Social Work |
Email ID | hod.socialwork@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Finance Officer |
Department | Finance Office |
Email ID | fo@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Sociology |
Email ID | hod.sociology@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Assistant Regional Director (Distance Mode) |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.hyderabad@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Dean |
Department | Department of Mathematics |
Email ID |

Designation | Professor |
Department | |
Email ID | dr.nimulla@manuu.edu.in |
Biography | Professor Nisar Ahmed I Mulla is a renowned academician in the field of commerce and Management apart from respected academic administrator in the field of education. He was the Head, Department of Commerce since 10th October 2018. He holds double M.Com, MBA and Ph.D (from Karnataka University, Dharwad). He has a vast experience of more than 34 years in the field of teaching, Research and Administration. Since 1988, he is serving as Professor of Commerce in DDE and Dept of Commerce in MANUU. In MANUU, he served as Regional Director, Regional Centre, Mumbai of MANUU. Prior to his appointment in MANUU, Prof Mulla was associated with Anjuman Arts, Science & Commerce College, Dharward, Karnataka. He has successfully guided more than19 PhD’s in the field of Commerce from various reputed universities across the country. Presently 06 Ph.D scholars are working under his supervision. His research interest includes Marketing Management, HRM, Cost Accounting and Finance. He has successfully completed a Major Research Project funded by UGC on Awareness Assessment of Social Marketing Themes Campaign by Government of India- A Case Study of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. He has authored/edited 06 books, to name a few Principles and Practices of Marketing in India, Modern Marketing (Kitab Mahal Publications) C>B. Memori and Dr. R. L. Joshi. He has published more than Forty papers in UGC Listed and Peer-Reviewed journals. He is a Member Editorial Board for more than twelve journals of National and International repute. Further, he was invited a chairperson in Seminars and Conferences and Symposia. He was also invited as Subject expert in various Committees, PhD Thesis Adjudicator and External Examiner even as expert in BOA. He has successfully completed his administrative responsibilities while in Directorate of Distance Education as a senior most faculty around 12 years. He use to participate in each and every decision making process in the Directorate for better management and functioning of learners support centers across the country. He was instrumental behind bringing lot of reforms in the conduct of examinations and counseling in Distance Education, MANUU. He served as coordinator between Regional Centers and Learning Centers in Directorate. He played a key role in acquiring land for MANUU at Aurangabad with the help of Mrs Khan. He has visited Cairo Eygpt to Present his Research Paper on Knowledge Management. He is Member in Academic Council and Executive Council of MANUU. |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of Mathematics |
Email ID | director.dde@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Medical Officer |
Department | Health Centre |
Email ID |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Persian |
Email ID | hod.persian@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Public Administration |
Email ID | hod.publicadmin@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Head & Associate Professor |
Department | Department of Physics |
Email ID | hod.physics@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Principal |
Department | CTE Aurangabad |
Email ID |

Designation | Dean |
Department | Department of Commerce |
Email ID | dean.cbm@manuu.edu.in |
Teaching Interest | Marketing Management |
Biography | Prof. Badiuddin Ahmed is Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, MANUU. He holds a Ph.D degree in Commerce and Business Management from Kakatiya University. He also holds M.Com, M.B.A and M.Phil. He has more than 23 years of experience in teaching and research. His background is Urdu medium from school level and he has inclination to teach the commerce and management subjects in Urdu. He was associated with Kakatiya University for more than 10 years. He is in MANUU since the inception MBA program in regular mode. He is serving MANUU for more than last 12 years. He initiated the M.Com course in MANUU in regular mode and it was started under his headship as Head, department of Management and Commerce. He also initiated the M.Phil and Ph.D programmes in the Department of Management. Under his guidance about 30 candidates have completed their M.phil course. Presently 5 scholars are pursuing Phd program in management. His areas of specialization are Marketing Management, Human Resource Management and organisational behavior. He is member of board of examination of various universities in India. He is also adjudicator for Phd thesis of various universities. He delivered lectures in orientation and refresher courses as resource person. He has chaired the technical sessions in more than a dozen national and international conferences. He has a privilege of representing as a member of academic bodies and he is also member of many professional bodies such as international management development association USA, International Economic Development Research Centre (IEDRC), Honk Kong, International Academy of Arts, Science and Technology (IAAST), Indonesia, International Society for Development & Sustainability (ISDS) Japan, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED),USA. All India Management Association (AIMA), Member of Hyderabad Management Association (HMA), Life Member of All India Commerce Association (AICA), Life Member of Indian Accounting Association (IAA). He has around 40 international and 35 national publications apart from this he has contributed chapters in the books as well. He has attended and presented papers in more than 75 international and national conferences, seminars and workshops. He is Recipient of "American Medal of Honor" for significant accomplishment in the field of Commerce and Management by The American Biographical Institute, Raleigh, USA. As an academician He is striving hard to and make University a better learning place, is creating a better learning atmosphere, trying to make students excel in their work and create a university-industry interaction to make it a mutually beneficially relationship. He is making the students competitive in global scenario by enhancing their capacities and encouraging them to meet new frontiers. |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Islamic Studies |
Email ID | hod.islamicstudies@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Proctor |
Department | Proctor Office |
Email ID | proctor@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department Of Mass Communication and Journalism |
Email ID | dean.mcj@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Dean |
Department | Department of Education & Training |
Email ID | dean.education@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Principal |
Department | CTE Bhopal |
Email ID |

Designation | Incharge Principal |
Department | COE Staff |
Email ID |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of History |
Email ID |

Designation | Head of Department |
Department | Department of Chemistry |
Email ID | hod.chemistry@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Principal |
Department | CTE Bidar |
Email ID |

Designation | Librarian |
Department | Library |
Email ID | akhtar@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Director |
Department | Internal Quality Assurance Cell |
Email ID | director.iqac@manuu.edu.in |
Teaching Interest | English Phonetics, English Language Teaching and Research Methodology |
Research Interest | English Phonetics, English Language Teaching and Research Methodology |

Designation | Principal |
Department | CTE Darbhanga |
Email ID |

Designation | Dean |
Department | Department of Women Education |
Email ID | shahidamurtaza@rediffmail.com |
Teaching Interest | Research Methodology |
Research Interest | Women & Media,Women & Health |

Designation | Principal |
Department | CTE Asansol |
Email ID |

Designation | Head & Associate Professor |
Department | Department of Zoology |
Email ID | hod.zoology@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Consultant |
Department | |
Email ID | smieabdul13@gmail.com |
Biography | tet |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Women Education |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | CTE Asansol |
Email ID |

Designation | Associate Professor |
Department | Department of Management Studies |
Email ID | saneemf@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Senior Warden |
Department | Boys Hostel |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Registrar |
Department | Finance Office |
Email ID | arasheed@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of Translation |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Mathematics |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Economics |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Arabic |
Email ID |

Designation | Warden |
Department | Girls Hostel |
Email ID |

Designation | Professor |
Department | |
Email ID | majesticeloquence@gmail.com |
Biography | Dr. Gulfishaan Habeeb, Professor of English, Directorate of Distance Education has a Ph.D. in English from Osmania University. Her areas of interest include English language and literature in English, literary theory and criticism, open distance learning and creative writing. She has published research papers in international and national journals apart from publishing books, such as English for Speakers of Urdu: A Proficiency Course published by Orient Blackswan. She was awarded UGC Major Research Project on Literature and Environment: An Ecocritical Approach. She is associated with various universities such as EFLU, University of Hyderabad, Osmania University, SRTM University, BRAOU, Telugu University, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Savitri Bai Phule Pune University and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in various capacities including research adjudication, evaluation, moderation, membership on board of studies, and expert committees. She has supervised research at M.Phil and Ph.D levels apart from participating in national and international seminars, conferences and workshops. |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Polytechnic kadapa |
Email ID |
Designation | Head & Associate Professor |
Department | Department of Computer Science and Information Technology |
Email ID | hod.csit@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Assistant Registrar(Regular Mode) |
Department | COE Staff |
Email ID | manuexam@gmail.com |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of Social Work |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Sociology |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Regional Director (Distance Mode) |
Department | |
Email ID | rd.jammu@manuu.edu.in |

Designation | Professor |
Department | Department of Persian |
Email ID |

Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Department of Physics |
Email ID |