MANUU Polytechnic Hyderabad

Principal, MANUU Polytechnic Hyderabad
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008413
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
MANUU Polytechnic Hyderabad
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
Polytechnic Colleges were established 2008 Hyderabad, Bangalore & Darbhnaga. Urdu is the medium of instruction in these Colleges. The objective of the Polytechnic Colleges is to churn out technocrats of unparalleled quality and distinct skills who can help advance the nation in technology to immeasurable height.
Courses Offered in Polytechnic College, Hyderabad (Approved by AICTE)
School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Dean, School of Computer Science and Information Technology
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23008367
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Computer Science and Information Technology in the year 2014 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Sciences and also recommends for creation of Departments. Further propose the regulations for admissions, instruction and evaluation for Programs offered by various Departments. The main objective of the School is to of impart quality education in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology and also to provide a mix of courses with a truly interdisciplinary grouping of subjects that contributes to produce skilled manpower of the highest quality, comparable to the very best in the World in the field of Information Technology. The School is currently having one Department viz., The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.
School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Dean, School of Computer Science and Information Technology
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23008367
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Computer Science and Information Technology in the year 2014 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Sciences and also recommends for creation of Departments. Further propose the regulations for admissions, instruction and evaluation for Programs offered by various Departments. The main objective of the School is to of impart quality education in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology and also to provide a mix of courses with a truly interdisciplinary grouping of subjects that contributes to produce skilled manpower of the highest quality, comparable to the very best in the World in the field of Information Technology. The School is currently having one Department viz., The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.
School of Commerce & Business Management

Dean, School of Commerce & Business Management
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23008365
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
School of Commerce & Business Management, Maulana Azad national Urdu University, Gachibowli
City : Hyderaad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Commerce and Business Management in the year 1999 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Distance Education and subsequently commenced the regular programs in the year 2004. The School recommends creation of Departments based on need assessment and propose the regulations for admissions, instruction and evaluation for programs offered by various Departments.
The main objective of the School is to promote the programs that make a contribution to the trade and business community and provide scope of study, program objective and outcomes. Further the mission of the School is to provide quality education and impart professional training in management and commerce fields with a view to build graduates of high ethical and leadership qualities.
School of Commerce & Business Management

Dean, School of Commerce & Business Management
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-23008365
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
School of Commerce & Business Management, Maulana Azad national Urdu University, Gachibowli
City : Hyderaad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Commerce and Business Management in the year 1999 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Distance Education and subsequently commenced the regular programs in the year 2004. The School recommends creation of Departments based on need assessment and propose the regulations for admissions, instruction and evaluation for programs offered by various Departments.
The main objective of the School is to promote the programs that make a contribution to the trade and business community and provide scope of study, program objective and outcomes. Further the mission of the School is to provide quality education and impart professional training in management and commerce fields with a view to build graduates of high ethical and leadership qualities.
School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Dean, School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-2100536, 23008354
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
School of Journalism & Mass Communication,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Mass Communication and Journalism in the year 1999 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Commerce and Management Studies and recommends for creation of Departments, The School is currently having only one Department. The Objective of the School is to train the Quality Professionals in the field of Mass Communication and Journalism based on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s legacy for ethos and richly laced journalistic expression. The program provides professional training in the ever expanding field of Media in Urdu medium. The main aim of the Program is to produce professionals who are well trained and well equipped to cope up with emerging challenges in the field of Print and Electronic Media.
School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Dean, School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 91-040-2100536, 23008354
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
School of Journalism & Mass Communication,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Mass Communication and Journalism in the year 1999 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Commerce and Management Studies and recommends for creation of Departments, The School is currently having only one Department. The Objective of the School is to train the Quality Professionals in the field of Mass Communication and Journalism based on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s legacy for ethos and richly laced journalistic expression. The program provides professional training in the ever expanding field of Media in Urdu medium. The main aim of the Program is to produce professionals who are well trained and well equipped to cope up with emerging challenges in the field of Print and Electronic Media.
Proctor Office

Proctor, Proctor Office
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008412
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Proctor Office
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The Proctor and his team examine all disciplinary and related issues of the students. Student’s
misconduct/indiscipline cases shall be brought to the notice of the Proctor. Depending on the gravity of
the case, the Proctor recommends appropriate action to the Disciplinary Committee.
Ragging is banned in the campus, use of drugs, drug trafficking and eve teasing are strictly forbidden in
the University and persons found indulging in such activities will be subjected to strict disciplinary and
other actions in keeping with the law of the land. Indulging in any criminal activity within or outside the
University and any physical violence against fellow students and fellow residents will not be tolerated
and will attract stern disciplinary action including rustication. For more details visit the website.
Proctor Office

Proctor, Proctor Office
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008412
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Proctor Office
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The Proctor and his team examine all disciplinary and related issues of the students. Student’s
misconduct/indiscipline cases shall be brought to the notice of the Proctor. Depending on the gravity of
the case, the Proctor recommends appropriate action to the Disciplinary Committee.
Ragging is banned in the campus, use of drugs, drug trafficking and eve teasing are strictly forbidden in
the University and persons found indulging in such activities will be subjected to strict disciplinary and
other actions in keeping with the law of the land. Indulging in any criminal activity within or outside the
University and any physical violence against fellow students and fellow residents will not be tolerated
and will attract stern disciplinary action including rustication. For more details visit the website.
School of Education & Training

Dean, School of Education & Training
Email :
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008450
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
School of Education & Training,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
School Brief Profile
The University created the School of Education and Training in the year 2006 to establish standards for educational programs offered under Teacher Education and also recommends for creation of Departments under the School. The objective of the School of Education and Training is to prepare a community of excellent Elementary & Secondary School Teachers and Teacher Educators rooted in tradition and well equipped for the future. Emphasis is on the functional relationship between knowledge generation, theory development and effective practice through Urdu medium. The School is well equipped in terms of faculty and infrastructure to train the teachers for the elementary, secondary and senior secondary schools and develop the professional expertise for teacher – educators. The School is currently having only one Department of Education and Training and eight constituent Colleges of Teacher Education. For admission in all programs the candidate should have studied through Urdu medium or Urdu as a subject at 10th/12th/ graduation level. The Diploma, B.Ed., and M.Ed programs are of two years duration and Ph.D. is of 3-4 years duration.