University Events and Activities

International Women's Day-2022

  • -
  • CPDUMT Auditorium, MANUU

Contact Person

Event Description

Maulana Azad National Urdu University Department of Women Education Organizes Poster Competition

Theme : Break The Gender Bias

Guidlines for Poster Making:-

  1. UG & PG Students of MANUU may participate in the poster competition.
  2. Prepare a poster on full size chart paper with proper slogan /Caption.
  3. Slogan/caption may be given in Urdu/Hindi /English laguage.
  4. Name,Roll number,Program of Study, Departement and contact number should be clearly mentioned on the right side at the bottom of the Chart.
  5. Submit the chart in O/o, Department of Women Education , School of Arts and Social Science Building, Ground Floor, MANUU.
  6. A Committee will judge and deside the I, II & III Prize from overall charts received in the Department.
  7. NO queries will be entertained about the decission taken by the judgement committee.
  8. Last Date for Poster Submition:- 17- 03- 2022
  9. Result will be announced/ displayed on NB of Department of Women Educationon, on 25th ,March, 2022. The winners will be to recieve their prizes in any forth comming Program of DWE.

Dr.Ameena Tahseen,