Head of Department
Email : hod.urdu@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 91-40-23532006
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Urdu
School of Languages Lingusitic & Indology
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
The main objective of the Department is to spread awareness about literary and cultural importance in the lives of mankind in general and to highlight the identity and relevance of Urdu language, literature and culture in particular in India and the world. It aims to promote the Urdu culture as the culture of representation of Indian genius, Urdu language as the language of knowledge and Urdu literature as the literature of values, which can withstand the buffeting forces of time and keep on marching. The department puts efforts to get the research scholars undertake meaningful, effective and advantageous research under the supervision of the faculty to develop and widen the field of knowledge. It also aims at creating academic atmosphere for the students so that they may acquire knowledge and insight of the legacy of Urdu literature. In order to inculcate poetic and literary refined taste among the students and other desirous people the department has introduced a special program in appreciation of Urdu Ghazal i.e. Diploma in Tahseen -e- Ghazal. The Department offers courses for B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., programs and the part-time Diploma programs. The thrust areas of research are: Study of Modern Culture, Language, Literature; Deccani Language, Literature and Culture; Linguistics; Mass Media; Translation, Aazadiyaat (Study of Maulana Azad) and new approaches in the field of Literary Criticism.