Head of Department
Email : hod.arabic@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040- 23008319
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Department of Arabic
School of Languages Lingusitic & Indology
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Brief Profile
Arabic is the main language of the Semitic family of languages and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. The Department of Arabic was established in 2006 to meet the ever growing demand of scholars who are well versed in Arabic language as well as equipped with skills needed to fulfill the requirements of the academic and business world.
The Department imparts knowledge of Classical and Modern Arabic language and literature. It lays emphasis on human values and has made them an integral part of the curriculum.The focus is also on training the students and to enhance their skills in translation and interpretation with an objective of placements in reputed national and international institutions and MNCs. A good number of former students are working in well multinational companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google etc. The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D. programs and three part-time programs i.e. Certificate of Proficiency in Arabic, Diploma in Arabic and Advanced Diploma in Professional Arabic. The Department also offers Arabic language courses for UG programs viz., B.A., B.Com, and B.Sc. Thrust areas of research are Translation, Modern Arabic Literature and Research Methodology.