Maulana Azad National Urdu University
The Civil Service Examination Residential Coaching Academy (RCA) at MANUU was established in 2009 with the express purpose of training vulnerable sections of society grossly under-represented in the Indian bureaucracy. The academy focuses on Women, Muslims, Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes. The academy will take a fresh intake this year in July through an entrance examination and an interview. Admission is open to all young men and women across the country. Those selected will be offered free hostel accommodation, mentoring, coaching and practise tests. The duration of the training program is 15 months. Details and the on line application form is available at our website. Any student who is eligible to take the Civil Service Examination may apply. The RCA strives to provide its students with high class selected interventions through lectures by chosen faculty, while encouraging aspirants to work hard and prepare themselves for this unique examination. Therefore while specific titles are explained through lectures and discussions, the onus remains on the young students to study on their own and prepare hard. The academy also strives to help students who select Urdu, Telugu, Political Science, Public Administration, History or Economics as their optional subjects. Students have complete 24 access to the library and to a modern computer centre with internet facility. They also come face to face with some leading bureaucrats and academics through the various seminars and conferences the academy organizes regularly. In October 2017, the academy conducted a workshop with leading civil service coaching institutions from across the country. It also conducted a seminar on Maulana Azad and his views on decentralization, public administration and the idea of modern India. In January 2018 it will conduct a National conference on Equal Opportunity, disability, gender rights and inclusion growth.