The University CIT caters to the ICT requirements of the University with the objective of providing basic computing facilities to the students and teachers. During the past few years, the center has evolved from a very small computing facility to a critical central facility of the University. Keeping its ethos of refurbishing education and research with modernization, the Maulana Azad National Urdu University has been leveraging the ICT as a tool to induce strategic improvement and changes in the system. The CIT has thus taken on an important role of IT enabler for the University. The center today offers essential ICT services including Internet Access, Email for staff and research students, IT security,WiFi, University Portal, Development and Maintenance, problem diagnostics and troubleshooting through network. To provide Internet facility and access to online learning material, the Center administers a 1-Gbps link to National Knowledge Network. CIT is making vigorous efforts to fully automate the university's academic and administrative functioning by cherishing modern ICT tools. Modules for Students Management System, Examinations Systems, Online Fee Management System Course Curriculum Management are already functional. Work on developing other important modules including Finance, File Tracking system, etc. under comprehensive Integrated University Management Software (IUMS) is underway. The modules are expected to be launched in near future.