مس خیرالنسا نکاتھوریگے
اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر
Email Id :khairunnisa@manuu.edu.in
Phone :+ 8374346948
Profile of مس خیرالنسا نکاتھوریگے
Khairunnisa Nakathorige has an M.Phil in English from Pondicherry University, M.A. from University of Calicut, B.Ed. from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala and has qualified NET. She is pursuing her PhD from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. Her thesis explores censorship as well as the representation of relationships, in contemporary Indian plays, that are traditionally considered taboo. Her areas of interest include contemporary fiction, contemporary Indian plays, folktales and gender and sexuality studies.
She has eight years of teaching experience and has taught courses in postcolonial literature, cultural studies as well as introductory courses in fiction and poetry. Her works engage with aspects of gender and sexuality and have appeared in peer-reviewed journals.
Research Publication of مس خیرالنسا نکاتھوریگے
- Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “Revisiting Incest: An analysis of Mahesh Elkunchwar’s Desire in the Rocks” in Recasting Gender: Feminism and English Studies in India. Routledge (Forthcoming).
- Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “The Ultimate Unspeakable: Discourse on Incest narratives in India”. New Academia, Vol. IV Issue I, January 2015.
- Nakathorige, Khairunnisa. “Gender and narration in Julie Otsuka’s The Buddha in the Attic”. Thirdfront Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol.1, No.1, March 2013.