ڈاکٹر محمد اسلم کنتل
اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر
Email Id :kmaslu@gmail.com, kmaslu@manuu.edu.in
Phone :+919744888566
Research Interests: Narrative Gerontology, Literary Criticism and Theory, English Language Teaching, Sociolinguistics
Profile of ڈاکٹر محمد اسلم کنتل
Dr. Aslam has done his Ph. D. in Aging Narratives in English from Maulana Azad National Urdu University.
He has 7 years of teaching experience. He teaches Literary Criticism and Theory, Socio-linguistics, Advanced Phonetics, English Language Teaching and English Communication Skills.
He has published around 10 academic papers in various research journals, including Springer Link.
He is proficient in three languages, English, Arabic, Urdu, apart from the mother tongue, Malayalam.
Research Publication of ڈاکٹر محمد اسلم کنتل
1. Aslam, K.M. (2020). Redefining Independence in Old Age: An Analysis of Simone de Beauvoir's A Very Easy Death. IUP Journal of English Studies 15(4).
2. Aslam, K.M. (2019).Translating a Metaphysical Fiction: A Case Study. IJELLH 7(3).
3. Aslam, K.M. (2019). Literary Gerontology: Growth Trajectories of Creativity and Criticism. International Journal of Research 8(2).
4. Aslam, K.M. (2019). Wellbeing In Old Age: Scientific Narratives and Beyond. International Journal of Research 8(1).
5. Aslam, K.M. (2018). Hadrami Diaspora in Malabar: Cross-cultural Impacts.Universal Review 7(9).
6. Aslam, K.M. (2018). Reading the aging narratives: Towards enabling Tasawwuf in the operative framework. Islamic Insight 1(2).
7. Aslam, K.M. (2018).Aging, disability and interdependence: A study from Islamic perspective. Islamic Insight 1(1).
8. Aslam, K.M.(2017). Coming of Age: An Analysis of Gordon’s ‘At Sixty Five’. Pune Research 3(4).
9. Aslam, K.M. (2017). Research in Humanities: Objectivity, Reliability and Durability of Knowledge. The Criterion: An International Journal in English 8(3).
10. Aslam, K.M. (2017). Poetics of Piety: An Ethnographic Engagement on Spiritual Aging and Fostering Resilience. The Criterion: An International Journal in English 8(2).
11. Aslam, K.M.(2017). Literary Research: Tools for Mining the Meanings. International Journal of Research 4(3).
12. Aslam, K.M. (2020). Blended Learning in ELT Classrooms In: Nagendra, K & Godavarthy, G. (eds) Emerging Trends in ELT. Rudra Publications.
13. Aslam K.M. (2019) Aging: An Islamic Perspective. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_145-1