محمد عبدالمجیب
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Research Publication
- Zakwan, M.,& Niazkar, M. (2021). Discussion of “Reverse Flood Routing in Rivers Using Linear and Nonlinear Muskingum Models” by Badfar et al. (2021) Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2021.
- Zakwan, M. and Ahmad, Z. Analysis of sediment and discharge ratings of Ganga River, India.Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
- Zakwan, M., Pham, Q. B., & Zhu, S. (2021). Effective Discharge Computation in the Lower Drava River. Hydrological Science Journal. 626-637
- Niazkar, M., and Zakwan, M. (2021). Assessment of Artificial Intelligence Models for Developing Single-value and Loop Rating Curves, Complexity, Volume 2021, Article ID 6627011, 121. DOI: 10.1155/2021/6627011
- Zakwan, M.,& Niazkar, M. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of Data-Driven Empirical and Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Infiltration Rates. Complexity, 2021.
- Zakwan, M., Ahmad, Z., & Sharief, S. M. V. (2018). Magnitude Frequency Analysis for Suspended Sediment Transport in the Ganga River. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23(7), 05018013.
- Zakwan, M. (2018). Comparative analysis of the novel infiltration model with other infiltration models. Water and Environment Journal.
- Pandey, M., Zakwan, M., Khan, M.A. &Bhawe. S. (2020). Development of Scour Around a Circular Pier and its Modelling Using Genetic Algorithm. Water Supply (in Press)
- Zakwan, M. and Ahmad, Z. Trend Analysis of Hydrological Parameters of Ganga River Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
- Zakwan, M. (2018) Spreadsheet-based modelling of hysteresis affected curves. Applied Water Science, 8(4), 101.
- Open Access to this article was sponsored by King Abdul-Aziz City of Science and Technology (KACST)
- Aiyelokun, O., Pham, Q. B., Aiyelokun, O., Malik, A. -- and Zakwan, M. Credibility of design rainfall estimates for drainage infrastructures: extent of disregard in Nigeria and proposed framework for practice. Natural Hazards. Article DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04889-1
- Pandey, M., Zakwan, M., Sharma, P. K., & Ahmad, Z. Multiple linear regression and genetic algorithm approaches to predict temporal scour depth near circular pier in non-cohesive sediment. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1-8.
- Zakwan, M., &Ara, Z. (2019). Statistical analysis of rainfall in Bihar. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 5(4), 1781-1789.
- Zakwan, M. (2020) Revisiting Maximum Observed Precipitation and Discharge Envelope Curves. International Journal of Hydrological science and Technology.
- Sharief, S. M. V. &Zakwan, M. (2021) “Comparative Analysis of Seepage Loss through Different Canal Linings”. International Journal of Hydrological science and Technology.
- Zakwan, M. (2021) “Application of Excel Optimization Tool in Solving and Teaching Water Resource Problems” International Journal of Hydrological science and Technology.
- Zakwan, M., & Khan, I. (2020). Estimation of Discharge coefficient for side weirs. Water and Energy International, 62(11), 71-74.
- Ara, Z. and Zakwan, M. “Rainfall Runoff Modelling for Eastern Canal Basin”. 61 (6), 63-67
- Zakwan, M. “Assessment of Dimensionless Form of Kostiakov Model”. Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 1(1).
- Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M., &Alam, J. “Application of data driven techniques in discharge rating curve—an overview.” Aquademia Water Environ Technol, 1(1), 02.
- Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M., &Alam, J. “Developing stage–discharge relations using optimization techniques”. Aquademia Water Environ Technol, 1(2), 05.
- Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. “Application of spreadsheet to estimate infiltration parameters”. Perspective in Sciences, 2016 (8), pp 702-704, doi: 10.1016/j.pisc.2016.06.064
- Zakwan, M. and Muzzammil, M. (2016). “Optimization Approach for Hydrologic Channel Routing.” Water and Energy International,59(3), pp 66-69.,
- Zakwan, M.“Application of optimization technique to estimate IDF parameters” Water and Energy International, 59(5), pp 69-71,
- Zakwan, M. “Estimation of runoff using optimization technique” Water and Energy International, 59(8), 42-44.
Book Chapters
- Muzzammil, M., Alam, J., and Zakwan, M. (2018). A Spreadsheet Approach for Prediction of Rating Curve Parameters. In Hydrologic Modeling (pp. 525-533). Springer, Singapore.
- Zakwan, M. (2021).Trend Analysis of Groundwater Level Using Innovative Trend Analysis. In Springer-Nature Book: Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region, Springer, Cham.
- S Sharief, S. M. V., &Zakwan, M. (2021). Groundwater Remediation Design Strategies Using Finite Element Model. In Groundwater Resources Development and Planning in the Semi-Arid Region (pp. 107-127). Springer, Cham.