Prof. Mohammed Abdul Sami Siddiqui
Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers
Email Id : cpdumt@manuu.edu.in
Phone : 091-40-23008368
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. (English)
Profile of Prof. Mohammed Abdul Sami Siddiqui
Prof. Mohammed Abdul Sami Siddiqui has been actively involved in teaching and research for more than a decade. Prior to joining CPDUMT as Director, he has served in the Department of English, MANUU. His areas of academic interests are English Language Teaching (ELT), Indian Drama and Urdu Literature. He has two minor research projects, three edited books on Indian Drama and a poetic collection to his credit. He has also published research papers in various journals. He has been supervising and adjudicating M.Phil and Ph.D research in the subject of English.
Research Projects:
S.No | Title | Funding Agency | Year |
1 | Teaching English Literature: Problems and Solutions | UGC, New Delhi | 2011-2013 |
2 | Maulana Azad’s Political and Official Correspondence | MANUU, Hyderabad | 2016-2017 |
Research Publication of Prof. Mohammed Abdul Sami Siddiqui
Books Published:
- Ta’aruf (A Poetic Collection in Urdu), Kusha Publishers, 2018 (www.rekhta.org/ebooks/taaruf-abdus-sami-siddiqui-naeem-ebooks)
- Violence in Indian English Drama, Vital Publications, 2014
- Reflections on Mahesh Dattani, Vital Publications, 2012
- Re-exploring Indian Drama in English, Vital Publications, 2012