Dr. Saheed Meo
MANUU Law School
Email Id : saheedmeo@gmail.com
Phone : 091-9873846297
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D
Research Interest :Sociology of Education, Neo-liberal Reforms and Education Systems, Education of Minorities and Urban Poors, Sociological Theories, Sociology of Science, Everyday Life Experiences and Social Inequalities
Research Publication of Dr. Saheed Meo
- Classiki Samajiyati Nazariyat (Book on Classical Sociological Theories in Urdu language). DTP, MANUU, Hyderabad. (Forthcoming)
- Caught in Crossfire: State of Children and Education in Regions Affected by Civil Strife. (Co-authored with Sanjiv Rai and Prasann Thatte). A National Report Published by Save the Children, India.
- Impact of COVID-19 on School Education: A Study of Underprivileged Social Groups in Haryana. Social Action, Vol. 71, pp. 67-79 (Co-authored).
- Relationship of Sociology with Political Science. Unit in B. A. Sociology Text, BSOC-131 Introduction to Sociology, IGNOU, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-89200-01-0).
- Relationship of Sociology with History. Unit in B.A. Sociology Text, BSOC-131 Introduction to Sociology, IGNOU, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-89200-01-0).
- Urban Growth, Spatial Dynamics and Social Segregation in India: A Study of Growth of Alwar City of Rajasthan in National Capital Region. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 22, Issue 7, Ver.14, pp. 19-26 (e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845).
- School Choice, Market and Class Strategies: An Inquiry into Contemporary Developments in School Education in India. Research Magma: An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Vo. 1 (10), pp. 1-13. (ISSN: 2456-7078).
- Social Movements: Concepts, Experiences and Concerns by Biswajit Ghosh (2020). The Eastern Anthropologist (Forthcoming)
- 2021. Ek School Manager ki Diary, by Farah Farooqi (2020), Pathshala: Bhitar aur Bhahar, (Forthcoming)
- The Nation as Mother and other Versions of Nationhood by Sugata Bose (2017). Indian Anthropologist, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 90-91. (ISSN 0970-0927).
- Classical and Modern Sociological Theories (Published by IMC, MANUU) https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=tLXwPSP5I4U&t=227s
- Social Institutions: Definition, Types and Functions (IMC, MANUU). https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=AAJzpGQ4_JM&t=172s
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (In Online Blogs/Magazines & Newspapers)
- Teachers at Crossroads during COVID-19 Pandemic in India. Countercurrent.org, May 18.
- The Paradox of Online Courses: A Teacher’s Experiences of Doing a Refresher Course. The New Leam, September 30.
- Why a Turkish Historical Drama has Become Wildly Popular with India’s Muslim Youth. Scroll. In, September 28. (Reprinted by New Age Islam, and Pristinekasmire.in) (Co-authored).
- The Battle of Contesting ‘Sciences’ Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. The New Leam, May 11.
- Musings of Everyday Life during Covid-19 Lockdown. Cafe Dissensus Every day, The Blog of Café Dissensus Magazine–We Dissent, May 10.
- 2014. Mewat Mein Shiksha ki Sthiti Evam Sambhavnayein. Mewat Times: A National Fortnightly published from Delhi, Varsha-11, Volume 7, 1-15 January (in Hindi)