Dr. Shabana Farheen
Assistant Professor
Email Id :shabanafarheen23@gmail.com
Phone :091-9483050523
Profile of Shabana Farheen
Dr. Shabana Farheen is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department Of Political Science at MANUU, Hyderabad.Before joining MANUU she has served as a faculty in reputed institutions like Teresian College Siddhartanagar Mysore, Regional Institute of Education , Mysore and at Department of Studies in Political Science, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore , Karnataka. She has a Ph.D ,titled -“A Study of Political Leadership In Karnataka with Special Reference to D.Devraj Urs. ”As a researcher she has contributed articles in the field of political leadership in Karnataka in different journals. She has taken initiative to complete the trilingual fundamental glossary of political science in kannada from MHRD Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology MHRD (department of Higher Education) at University of Mysore ,Manasagangothri , Mysore , Karnataka.