Profile of P. H. Mohammad
Prof. P. H. Mohammad, is currently a Professor of Sociology and has been the Head, department of Sociology, MANUU - Hyderabad. He served as a Dean, School of Arts and Social Sciences, MANUU, in the past. He is an active social researcher having trained in anthropology completing Doctorate degree in Social Anthropology from a reputed university – Hyderabad Central University (HCU) - in Hyderabad, India. He had been associated, before joining MANUU, with different institutes of repute, working on assignments sponsored by various overseas agencies like the UNDP, World Bank, ILO, ESRC, etc., covering the issues of sociological importance. Thus, to say, Prof. Mohammad has gained a wider experience of working in different organizations, involved in diverse developmental activities and therefore enriched his professional and academic background as well as capabilities to enable himself to view the human developmental issues in a broader spectrum of perspectives. He joined MANUU in 2007, in the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP) as Reader/Associate Professor and headed the Centre as its founder Director (I/C) and contributed enormously towards the institution building of the Centre carving out it to be one of the best such Centres in the Country. He has a sound exposure to the issues relating to the aspects of socially excluded groups such as the tribes, minorities, etc., social inequality, sociology of education, Grassroot level Governance, Religious communities, occupational groups, Entrepreneurship and social change, etc. Prof. P. H. Mohammad is serving as a member in various academic/professional bodies and has undertaken several research projects and published books and articles besides participating in series of seminars/conferences presenting papers on different themes.