Mr. Nissar Hussain
Assistant Professor
Email Id :nissarhussain@manuu.edu.in
Phone :Mob-8802423247
Educational Qualifications:M.Com, NET/ JRF
Teaching Interest: Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting
Profile of Nissar Hussain
Mr. Nissar Hussain is currently serving as Assistant Professor of Commerce in the Department of Management & Commerce, School of Commerce & Business Management, MANUU. He has done his bachelors in B.COM (Hons) from the Hindu College, University of Delhi. From then he completed his Masters in Commerce from Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He has qualified UGC NET-JRF in Commerce. After then he has joined Bharati College, University of Delhi as Assistant Professor in Commerce on Ad-hoc basis before joining the department. His work of interest is finance, taxation and accounting.