Dr. Reshma Nikhat
School of Commerce & Business Management
Email Id : r.nikhat@manuu.edu.in, r.nikhat@yahoo.com
Phone : 040-23120600 : (EXTN: 3413 ) Mob-8309998726
Educational Qualifications: B.Ed., MBA, MPhil, Ph.D., UGC-NET
Teaching Interest: Marketing Management
Profile of Dr. Reshma Nikhat
DR. RESHMA NIKHAT is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Management and Commerce, School of Commerce & Business Management, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (Central University), Hyderabad, Telangana.
She has completed her Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Osmania University, her specialization is marketing. She has qualified UGC-NET in Management. She has completed her M.phil. from Alagappa University Karaikudi,and Ph.D. in Management from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Her area of research is Consumer Behaviour, Retail Management, Research Methodology, Sales & Advertising Management, Services Marketing International Business and Advertising and Recent Trends.
She has written two books, a chapter and published more than 20 papers in International & National conferences in India. Her area includes Marketing Management, Retail management, Service Marketing, International Business and Research Methodology. Her papers and articles are published in many referred National and International Journals.
She has more than 25 years of teaching experience, with a passion of it ,she believes in innovative and interactive way of teaching .She is also a project, mentor and cultural coordinator of students affairs and students development programme.
She has few Awards to her credits.
- Excellence in Reviewing Award: Review of Research 2019
- Association of Muslim Professional Award: 100 Best Education Professional 29th November 2019
- Best Researcher Award: 1st International Dissertation and Doctoral Thesis, By- Indian Academicians and Researcher Association (IARA Academy) 8th September 2019
- Nominated for Innovative Global Scientific Research Educationalist Professional Awards & Honors Convocation 2019
Brief Profile: DR. RESHMA NIKHAT
Research Publication of Dr. Reshma Nikhat