Dr. Bondu Raju
Assistant Professor
Email Id :bondu.raju@gmail.com
Phone :091-9494409067
Educational Qualifications:M.Com. M.Sc. (Maths) M.Ed. M.Phil.,Ph.D. (Education),UGC- NET
Research Publication of Bondu Raju
- Dr. Bondu Raju: Teaching Competency of Primary Schoolteachers with Various Qualifications
- Dr. Bondu Raju: Competency of D.Ed. and B.Ed. Trained Teachers Working in Primary Schools of Andhra Pradesh
- Dr. Bondu Raju: Human Resource in Higher Education
- Dr. Bondu Raju: Does Marks in Graduation Effect on The Cognitive Competency of Trainee Teachers at Secoundary Level (2013)
- Dr. Bondu Raju: Does Marks in Graduation Effect on The Cognitive Competency of Trainee Teachers at Secoundary Level (2014)
- Raju, Bondu., Rajendra, M. (2016). Pedagogy of Mathematics: Volume-II, Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications Pvt.Ltd. pages: 226, ISBN: 978-93-85877-70-4
- Raju, Bondu., Krishna Kumar, K.N. & Srilatha, G. (2016). Pedagogy of Mathematics: Volume-I:: Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd. pages: 191, ISBN: 978-93-85877-36-0
- Raju, Bondu., (2014) Competency of Students based on School Subject at Graduation:: Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Pages: 141, ISBN: 978-3-659-46698-4
- Raju, Bondu., (2012) Post Graduate Students’ Attitude Towards Research: Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Pages: 116, ISBN 978-3-8433-2253-9.
- Raju, Bondu., Chandra Shekar, Ch. & Samba Murthy, D.(2008). Information and communication technology: Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publicatin Pvt.Ltd. Pages: 331, ISBN 81-8316-195-2.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Raju, Bondu., (2016). Duration of the B.Ed. Course-Boon or Bane, (Ed. Mrunalini,T.). Teacher Education Curriculum: Reflective Practices, Pragma Publications, Pp: 75-78, pages: 308, ISBN: 978-93-84845-24-7
- Raju, Bondu., (2016). The role of ICT in promoting value based education, (Ed. Ramakrisha, A. et. al). Educational Reforms through ICT, Pragna Publications, pp: 97-101, pages: 627, ISBN: 978-93-84845-17-9
- Raju, Bondu., (2015) Extending Bachelor of Education programme from One year to Two Years (Ed. Sudheer Reddy, K.S. et.al) Quality concern in Teacher Education, Publish word, Gujarat, India, pp: 145-149, pages: 442, ISBN: 978-81-92891-03-3
Contributed E-Content
- Raju, Bondu., (2018). Approaches, Methods and Strategies in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Concepts (Ed. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood). Pedagogy of Mathematics, MANUU, Hyderabad. Pp: 56-86, (June, 2018) pages: 120, ISBN: 978-93-80322-18-6
- Raju, Bondu., (2018). Assessment and Evaluation in Mathematics (Ed. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood). Pedagogy of Mathematics, MANUU, Hyderabad. Pp: 37-69, (August, 2018) pages: 96, ISBN: 978-93-80322-36-0
Development of Course Material
- Acted as the Course coordinator of the ’Teaching of Mathematics’ for B.Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, ISBN: 367, pages: 413
- Acted as the Course coordinator of the ’Teaching of Physical Science’ for B.Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, ISBN: 365, pages: 203
- Acted as the Course coordinator of the ’Computers in Education’ for B.Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, ISBN: 371, pages: 289
- Developed the ’Student Teacher Hand Book’ for B.Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Developed the ’Programme Guide’ for B. Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Developed the ’Resource Person’s Hand Book’ for B.Ed. Programme of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.