Research Publication of Umme Salma
Research papers / Articles in Journals
- Salma, U. “Online Tadrisi Amal me Asateza ko Pesh Hone wali Dushwariyan”. Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (EIJER), February 2021, pp 49-54, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt Ltd (ISSN 2349-8838).
- Salma, U. “COVID-19 Suratehal ke Dauran Tulba me Tadrisi Nuqsan”. Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (EIJER), February 2021, pp 55-59, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt Ltd (ISSN 2349-8838).
- Salma, U. “Identification and Intervention for Development of Children with Learning Disabilities”. Excellence International Journal of Education and Research (EIJER), February 2019, pp 113-122, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt Ltd (ISSN 2349-8838).
Chapters in Edited Books
- Salma, Umme, “Distance Mode of Teacher Education – An Overview”, Text Book of Teacher Education. Ed. M.H. Siddiqui. Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2021: 198-210
- Salma, Umme, “Teacher Education and National Commissions and Policies”, Text Book of Teacher Education. Ed. M.H. Siddiqui. Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2021: 129-138
- Asha. Y., & Salma, Umme, “Teacher Education in Russia – An Overview”, Text Book of Teacher Education: An International Perspective. Ed. M.H. Siddiqui. Uttar Pradesh: Excellence International Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2021: 173-181
- Salma, Umme, “A Critical Reflection of Indian Higher Education in the Context of Infrastructure”, Teaching Learning Strategies in Higher Education. Ed. Kamala Kandi. New Delhi: GenNext Publication, 2020: 419-426