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Prof. Noushad Hussain
Professor & Principal
School of Education and Training
Email Id : noushadhusain@gmail.com
Phone : 7063594144
Educational Qualifications:
Research Publication of Prof. Noushad Hussain
Research papers / Articles in Journals
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Higher Order Thinking Versus Lower Order Thinking Skills: A Comparative Study of Government and Private Schools”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR), ISSN e-2348, P-2349-5138, June 2019, Vol. 06, Issue 02. pp.384-390, Impact Factor 5.75, published by Atman Research Centre co-published by Atman Publishing Academy, Gujarat Available at : http://www.ijrar.org/IJRAR19K6076.pdf
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Impact of Type of Institution and Gender on Personality Traits of Madarsa and Government Elementary School Students”. History Research Journal, ISSN- 0976-5425, Sept.- Oct. 2019, Vol. 05, Issue 05. Impact Factor 5.3
- Husain, N. & Naqvi, T.F., “Perceived Discrimination and Mental Health of the students of Marginalized Section of Society in the institution of Higher Learning”. Journal of The Gujarat Research Society, ISSN-0374-8588, Oct. 2019, Vol. 21, Issue 06. Impact Factor 4.3, Publisher: Gujarat Research Society
- Naqvi, T.F. & Husain, N., “Magnitude of Traumatic Experience of Caste Based Onslaughts Psychological Terrorism”. Think India (Quarterly Journal) ISSN-0971- 1260, Oct. Dec. 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 04. Impact Factor 5.9
- Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “Reaction to Frustration of MBBS Students in Relation to Certain Demographic Variables”. INFOKARA RESEARCH-An UGC-CARE Approved Group A Journal (Group 2 s.no. 15775), Publisher: Editions Médecine et Hygiène, ISSN-1021-9056, Feb. 2020, Vol. 09, Issue 02. Pp. 124-134, Impact Factor 5.3
- Naqvi, T.F. & Husain, N., “Emotional Intelligence, Gender and Types of School as Predictor of Achievement of Adolescent Students” IJCRT, ISSN-2320-2882, April, 2020, Vol. 08, Issue 04. Pp-529-540 Impact Factor 7.97, https://www.ijcrt.org/archive.php?vol=8&issue=4&pubmonth=April-2020 IJPUBLICATION (ijpublication.org)
- Husain, N. & Khan, A.N., “Teachers' Professional Commitment: A Mean to Improve the Quality of Education” Vidyawarta, April-June, 2020, Vol. 04, Issue 34. PP. 36-44, Harshwardhan Publication, ISSN 2319-9318, Impact Factor 7.041
- Khan, A.N.& Husain, N., “Academic Achievement, Stress and Home Related Causes to Mental Health of Madarsa Students'' Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (JRHSS), Quest Journals Inc. ISSN (Online)-2321-9467, June, 2021, Vol. 09, Issue 06, (II). PP.86-96, Impact Factor 6.14.
- Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “PERCEPTIONS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TOWARDS ONLINE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR2107771 , ISSN (Online)-2349-5162, July, 2021, Vol. 08, Issue 07, PP..299-314, Impact Factor 7.95. Publisher: JETIR, Ahmedabad, India. Full paper pdf https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2107771
Parveen, A. & Husain, N., “INFOGRAPHICS AS A PROMISING TOOL FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) https://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR2108322 , ISSN (Online)-2349-5162, August, 2021, Vol. 08, Issue 08, PP..c554-c559, Impact Factor 7.95. Publisher: JETIR, Ahmedabad, India. Full paper pdf https://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2108322
Chapters in Edited Books
- Naushad Husain, “The Right to Education: A Conceptual Framework” in a book Right to Education: Retrospect and Prospects Edited by Dr. Noushad Husain, 2014, ISBN-978-81-7541-627-7
- Naushad Husain, UNIT IV: TEACHING AS A PROFESSION (OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 1st Year paper BBED104CCT: Learning and Teaching, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-13-1
- Naushad Husain, UNIT I: Introduction OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 2nd Year paper BBED205CCT: GENDER, SCHOOL AND SOCIETY, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-33-9
- Naushad Husain, UNIT II: Understanding Conflict and Hindrances Towards Achieving Peace OF MANUU-B.Ed. (DM) 2nd Year paper BBED207CCT: PEACE EDUCATION, 2018, ISBN-978-93-80322-35-3
- Naushad Husain, India needs to Redefine the Quality of Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Reflection as an Overarching Value in Teacher Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Education for Human Rights: Commences in Primary Grade, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Maulana Azad and Right to Education, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Application of Information & Communication Technology in Conjunction with Pedagogy in Schools, 2015
- Naushad Husain, Daqiyanoosi Tarze Khayal se paida hone wali Takhweef aur Adraaki Ta’areef ke zere Asar Muslim Khawateen ki Zahni Sehat par Murattab hone wale Asarat: Mutale’a, 2018
- Husain, N. “Professional Ethics and Commitment as means of Professional Development” (pp 125-132) in a book Teacher Education: Challenges Ahead Edited by Prof. (Dr.) Sajid Jamal and Dr. Mohd. Shakir, (2019), EMPYREAL PUBLISHING HOUSE, GUWAHATI, IBSN:978- 81-939070-8-5