Department of English

Ms. Sameena Tabassum

Assistant Professor

Email Id,

Phone :6303486208

Educational Qualifications:MPhil (English)

Research Interests:

English Language Teaching

Teaching Interest: English Language and Literature, English Language Teaching, Communication Skills, Academic Writing

Profile of Sameena Tabassum

Ms. Sameena Tabassum holds an M.Phil. and an M.A. in English. She has qualified B. Ed., CELTA, UGC-NET and TS-SET, and is currently pursuing a PhD in English Language Teaching, at MANUU, Hyderabad. A winner of eleven gold medals in B. A. and M. A. from Osmania University, Ms. Tabassum has taught English for fourteen years in Saudi Arabia. She has been serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at MANUU since 2019. She has chaired and presented papers in several national and international conferences. She has won the BEST PAPER AWARD in the ICSSR sponsored Multi-disciplinary International Conference in February 2022. She has delivered talks and workshops on a variety of topics. She enjoys public speaking and academic writing. Her research interests include exploring the use of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in teaching English Language and Communication Skills.

Research Publication of Sameena Tabassum


  • 1. Tabassum, S. (2024). Tracing the origin and evolution of APA Style: From simple guidelines to global standard. Journal of the Oriental Institute, 73(3), 780-796. ISSN: 0030-5324.
  • 2. Tabassum, S. (2024).Communal harmony in select works of Indian English Literature. Mukt Shabd Journal, 8(7),694-705. ISSN NO : 2347-3150 doi:10.0014.MSJ.2024.V13I7.0086781.261067. 1YtmtJM8BCnSHXZ__BwjKdkngkFvawodu/view
  • 3. Tabassum, S. (2024). The art of literary research: Key insights for a literary investigation. International Journal of ELT, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, 12(5). ISSN:2455-0302. doi:10.33329/elt.12.5.1.
  • 4. Tabassum, S. (2024). An introduction to rhetorical analysis. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 9(7), 739-743. ISSN: 2456-4184.
  • 5. Tabassum, S. (2023). Evolution of Indian English Literature through the lens of M. K. Naik. The Criterion: An International Journal in English. Vol. 14(3), ISSN0976-8165.
  • 6. Tabassum, S. (2023). Key takeaways for a researcher from a handbook for supervisors. International Journal of English: Language, Literature and Skills12(1).
  • 7. Tabassum, S. (2023). A call for eclectic mysticism in Dara Shikoh’s Majma’-ul-Bahrain. International Journal of Research in the Academic World2(1).
  • 8. Tabassum, S. (2022). The role of emotional intelligence in English pedagogy and padagogy: A multidisciplinary approach to English Language Teaching. Education Plus: A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal12(11). APH Publishing Corporation House.
  • 9. Tabassum, S. (2022). The resonance of Indian philosophy in the Western The waste land. The Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 9(10)UGC Approved Journal No: 63975, ISSN: 2349-5162


Chapters in edited books: