Dr. Geeta
Assistant Professor
Email Id :geeta@manuu.edu.in
Phone :9738415841
Educational Qualifications:Ph.D.
Teaching Interest: Indian Literature in Translation, Women’s Writing, Dalit and Tribal Literature, Communication Skills and Contemporary Kannada Fiction
Profile of Geeta
Dr. Geeta works as an Assistant Professor, Department of English, School of Languages, Linguistics & Indology, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. She has 5 years of teaching experience. She has completed MA in English and Ph.D. from Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi. Her thesis “Transgression of Gendered Boundaries: An Enquiry into Rebel Women Characters in Select Kannada Novels”.
Research Publication of Geeta
Research Article Publications:
- The article entitled, Interior Conflicts in Vaidehi’s Chandaley is published in UGC referred International Journal Literary Insights (ISSN 0975-6248) Volume-10, Issue-1I, pp.233-241, January 2019.
- The Article entitled, The Cultural Representation and the Process of Modernization in Lambani Tribe of Karnataka is published in Indexed Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 4, with ISSN 2349 - 5189. 531-536. May 2016.
- The Article entitled, Postcolonialism and Indian Literature is published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 3, with ISSN 2349-5189. February 2016. 541-544.
- The Article entitled, Tradition and Colonial Modernity: Reading M.K Indira’s Phaniyamma (1976) is published in Research Chronicler: A Peer-reviewed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. III, Issue IX-I with ISSN 2347-5021. Special Issue: Post Modern Trends in Language and Literature. December. 2015. P. 84-87.
- The Article entitled, The Theme of Motherhood in Chandrashekhar Kambar’s Singarevva and the Palace published in LUMINAIRE: A Refereed Journal of the Department of Languages, Garden City College, Bangalore Vol.6, Issue 1, with the ISSN: 2249-2542 in 2016. P. 89-93.
- The Article entitled, Amerika Ki Pravasi Hindi Lekhikaon Ki Kahaniya Samaj aur Sanskriti Ka Dvandva published (jointly) in a book Bharatiya Aur Pravasi Hindi Katha Sahitya: Vartaman Paridrushya, Anbhai Parkashan: Mumbai. ISBN 978-81-908663-1-6. P.No 235 to 240.January. 2016.
- The Article entitled, Beyond the Margin: Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal VOL.2, ISSUE-2 with the ISSN 2349-5189 in November-2015. P. 657-660.
- The Article entitled, Transgression of Gendered boundaries: Desires and Sexuality in Select Kannada Novels is published in Contemporary Research in India: A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal with the ISSN 2231-2137. Special Issue: in April, 2015. P. 65-69.
- The article entitled, Subversion of Naranappa in U R. Ananthmurthy’s Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man is published in an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) Vol. IV, Issue 1(ii) with the ISSN: 2277-9302, in April 2015. P. 50-51.