Dr. Qasimullah
Assistant Professor
Email Id :drqasimullah@gmail.com
Phone :+918297383784
Research Publication of Qasimullah
- Mohammad Faraz Ahmer, Salman A Khan, Qasim Ullah (2021) Applications of thin-layer chromatography and thin-layer electrophoresis in the analysis of inorganic anions: a review. Journal of Planar Chromatography- Modern- TLC (2021) (Accepted)
- Qasim Ullah and Salman Ahmad Khan & Ali Mohammad (2021) Applications of green solvents in thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-An Overview. Journal of Planar Chromatography- Modern- TLC 34:5-29.
- Salman A. Khan,Qasim Ullah, Salahuddin Syed, Alimuddin, Abdulraheem A. Almalki Sanjay Kumar, Rami J.Obaid Meshari A.AlsharifS.Y.Alfaifi, Humaira Parveen. Microwave assisted one-pot synthesis, photophysical and physicochemical studies of novel biologically active heterocyclic Donor (D)-π-Acceptor (A) (2021) Chromophore. Bioorganic Chemistry , 104964
- Khan,Qasim Ullah, Abdulraheem S.A.Almalki, SanjayKumar, Rami J.Obaid, Meshari A.Alsharif, S.Y.Alfaifi, Authar AdilHashmi. (2021) Synthesis and photophysical investigation of (BTHN) Schiff base as off-on Cd2+ fluorescent chemosensor and its live cell imaging. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 328 : 115407.
- Salman A.Khan, QasimUllah , SalahuddinSyed, Alimuddin, Abdulraheem S.A.Almalki, Rami J.Obaid, Meshari A.Alsharif, Y.Alfaifi, SanjayKumar. (2021) Multi-Step Synthesis, Physicochemical investigation and optical properties of pyrazoline derivative: A Donor-π-Acceptor Chromophore. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1227:129667.
- Qasim Ullah (2020) Separation and analysis of heavy metal ions by thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-A mini-review (2000-2019) Journal of Planar Chromatography 33:1-12.
- Qasim Ullah and A Mohammad (2020) Determination of vitamins by TLC/ HPTLC- A mini review. Journal of Planar Chromatography .33:429-437.
- Qasim Ullah N Fatima and A Mohammad (2020) Detection reagents used for on-plate identification of organic pesticides in biological samples with preliminary separation by TLC/ HPTLC. Journal of Planar Chromatography. 33:533-546.
- Abdullah M Asiri, Mona Mohammad Al-Amari, Qasim Ullah, Salman A Khan (2020) Ultrasound-assisted synthesis and photophysical investigation of novel heterocyclic alkylated chalcone: A highly sensitive and selective fluorescent chemosensor for the Fe3+ in aqueous media. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 73:2987-3002.
- Qasim Ullah, A Mohammad, M Khan, SS Aziz, PF Rahman, F Mohammad (2018) Detection reagents used in on- plate identification of amino acids by thin-layer chromatography: A Review. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. 41:595-603.
- Qasim A Mohammad, M Khan, F Mohammad (2018) Efficacy of Ionic liquids as green mobile phase system in thin layer chromatography of amino acids. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 6:92-107.
- Qasim Ullah, A Mohammad, M Khan, F Mohammad (2018). Polyaniline modified silica gel coupled with green solvent as eco-favourable mobile phase in thin-layer chromatographic analysis of organic dyes. Applied chemical Engineering, 1, doi:10.24294/ace.v1i4.747 (En Press United States) .
- Qasim Ullah, J Mohamed, M S Reddy K (2018) Molecular modelling and molecular docking studies of natural compounds against Parkinson disease. International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences. 6:2437-2442.
- Qasim Ullah, J Mohamed, Jayasree D, Sai Priya SV (2018) Insilico studies of natural compounds as periplasmic nitrate reductase inhibitotrs. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. 6:488- 493.
- Qasim Ullah, N. Fathima, P. Raveendra Reddy, M. Brahmaiah, G Abdul Huq (2017) Development and validation of stability indicating RP-HPLC method for determination of impurities in Rilpivirine hydrochloride capsules, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7:1118- 1134.
- S S Aziz, H Shamoona, Dr. Qasim Ullah (2017) Eco-friendly bio-sorbents of synthetic dye methylene blue. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology. 5:588-1593.
- S S Aziz, S Mushtaq, N Begum, Qasim Ullah (2017) Adsorption studies of acetic acid removal from waste water using seeds of Brassica nigra. Journal of Engineering Research and Application 7:1-3.
- A Mohammad, M Khan, Qasim Ullah, F Mohammad (2017) Effective separation of organic dyes using ionic liquids as green mobile phase and poly-aniline modified silica gel nano-composite based thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology. 8-18.
- Qasim Ullah, A Mohammad, and M Khan (2017) Micro-emulsion in chemical analyses by thin-layer chromatography – A Review. Journal of Planar Chromatography 30:1–10.
- Qasim Ullah, A Mohammad, M Khan, R Mobin (2017) Thin layer chromatography in the analysis of surfactants : At a glance. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. 2017.
- Qasim Ullah, A Mohammad and R Mobin (2016) Surfactants as separation modifiers in chemical analyses by thin-layer chromatography: A Review. Journal of Planar Chromatography 29:1–11.
- Qasim Ullah, M Rafatullah, O Sulaiman, R Hashim, A Ahmad, (2011) Thermodynamic parameters for adsorption equilibrium of methylene blue from aqueous solutions with low-cost adsorbents, Journal of Industrial Research & Technology 1:92-96.
- Qasim Ullah, A Ahmad, M Rafatullah, O Sulaiman, R Hashim, (2011) Role of sawdust in adsorption of Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions from aqueous system. Journal of Industrial Research & Technology 1:6-11.
- Qasim Ullah, A Ahmad, M Rafatullah, (2009) Solvent polarity as a function of retardation factor in thin-layer chromatography of selected nitro functions: Two mixed solvents. IUP Journal of Chemistry. II (4):55-66.
- A Ahmad, Qasim Ullah, M A. Andrabi, and P M. Qureshi (1996) Solvent polarity as a function of RF in thin-layer chromatography of selected nitro functions, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 34(8):376–378.
Books Chapter
- Haseeb A. Khan, Qasim Ullah, Arif Ahmad, Abdullah S. Alhomida, Salman H. Al Rokayan, Methods of Trace Amine Analysis in Mammalian Brain. In Trace Amines as a Risk Factor for Neurological Disorders: Potential Mechanisms and Risk Factors, Oxford: Academic Press, Elsevier, 2016, 11-26. 1st Edition, eBook ISBN: 9780128036167, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128036037
- Qasim Ullah, A. Mohammad, P.F. Rahman, M Khan (2018) Removal of Malachite green from water and waste water by low cost adsorbents 262-291 ISSN/ISBN- 978-1- 945291-70-8 (International)
- Qasim Ullah, Samreen Fatema and Ali Mohammad (2021) Silica gel as an adsorbent for on-plate analysis of pesticides by TLC/ HPTLC (National ) (In press)
- Qasim Ullah, M F Ahmer (2021) Applications of Switchable Solvents in Science and Technology (International) (In Press).