It gives me immense pleasure to share the ranking of UGC-MMTTC, MANUU at 3rd Position among 66 MMTTC at National Level by the University Grants Commission during the Review of Progress made in the last academic year on the Performance of UGC-MMTTCs based on quantitative and quality Parameters (Table appended). The UGC-MMTTC, MANUU is aimed to provide opportunities for the professional development of teachers, non-teaching staff, and research scholars in the higher education system to contribute to quality improvement and excellence among these stakeholders. The programmes are organized to impart – knowledge, update teaching skills; promote critical and innovative thinking; sensitize about the ethos, organizational skills development; and technology applications in teaching, research, administration, and management for the Institution and Nation building.
The UGC-UGC-MMTTC, MANUU has organized 64 programmes during the last five years (2015 to 2020). The effectiveness of UGC-MMTTC in terms of the outcomes and progress towards the impact of its capacity building/Training, outreach activities, and research: Over 3103 participants attended various training programs (viz., OPS, RCs, Summer Schools, Winter Schools, and Short term courses) organized by UGC-MMTTC, MANUU.
The UGC, UGC-MMTTC, and MANUU have a vibrant exchange of resources with prestigious institutions from all over India. Knowledge explosion occurs in all disciplines without exception at frequent intervals which is to be addressed and acknowledged by the teaching fraternity. The UGC-UGC-MMTTC, MANUU fully recognizes its crucial role in comprehending and facing the challenge of the shifting paradigm of human resource development and research. Here, we really realize and undertake the noble task of motivating and equipping teachers to enrich their repository of resources and keep themselves abreast of new knowledge.
Now, I place on record the continuous support extended by the authorities of the MANUU and the UGC for the timely release of grants to enable the UGC-MMTTC, MANUU to continue its journey of training. I also appreciate the continuous participation of newly recruited teachers from across the country and the involvement, cooperation, and support of the participants in the successful accomplishment of the mission of the UGC-MMTTC, MANUU.
At the University level, we are proud to enjoy the unstinting support provided by our Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ainul Hassan, Staff, and Faculty members. The knowledge is a bountiful wealth and all stakeholders are welcome to expose the bountiful opportunities available here.