Email : dir.hkscds@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008460
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Address : H.K. Sherwani Centre for Deccan Studies<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowl.
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
Maulana Azad National Urdu University established the H.K. Sherwani Centre for Deccan Studies after the renowned Indian historian, scholar and author, Haroon Khan Sherwani. The Center’s focus is on interdisciplinary studies encompassing all disciplines of social sciences, Deccan and Deccani Language, its regional dialects and culture. The Center is one of its kind in any Indian university; it promotes understanding and dissemination of information on ‘Deccan Studies’ that has emerged as a separate area of enquiry in recent times. The Center undertakes research and outreach activities by organizing workshops, distinguished lectures, and interactive programs in public domain.
Postal Address
Address : Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (CPDUMT)<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
The Center for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (CPDUMT) was established for Urdu language teachers and those who teach in Urdu medium schools and Madarsa with an aim to promote their pedagogical abilities and acquaint them with the changing scenario in the field of teaching and learning so that that they might enhance the quality of teaching and enable the students of Urdu medium schools to take up the challenges of the competitive age. To achieve these objectives, the Center conducts training programs for the teachers by utilizing the valuable services of eminent resource persons who address and interact with them on different aspects of effective methods of teaching Urdu language and literature as well as Natural Sciences and Social Sciences in Urdu and undertake to resolve their profession related problems.
Moreover, the Center familiarize the teachers with administrative affairs of educational institutions,educational policies of central and state governments, curriculum designing, use of educational technology, techniques of examination, evaluation and ethical aspects of the profession. The Center provides a platform for primary, secondary and senior secondary teachers to learn from the exchange of ideas through mutual knowledge and experiences. The Center conducts programs in all south Indian states; Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa. It has good infrastructure, skilled staff, hostel, Library and labs.
Email : dir.csseip@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 40-23008335
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Address : Center for The Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
<p>The University has established Centre for Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP) was with an aim to study the nature, extent and forms of social exclusion among some selective socially excluded groups, especially Muslim and suggests theoretical and policy formulations in this regard. Its key objectives include conceptualizing discrimination; exclusion and inclusion based on caste/ethnicity and religion; developing understanding of the nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion; developing an understanding of discrimination at an empirical level; and formulating policies for protecting the rights of these groups and eradicating the problem of exclusion and discrimination. The thrust areas of the CSSEIP are studying religious minorities with specific focus upon the Muslims as a socially excluded group and studying the other excluded groups such as Dalits and tribes.</p>
Email : dir.cucs@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008359
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Address : Center for Urdu Culture Studies<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
The Centre for Urdu Culture Studies (CUCS) was established with the vision of “protection and promotion of aesthetical and cultural values of Urdu Language and its historical consciousness”. Its mission is to develop a combination of archives, museum, library and cultural research institution. It wishes to be seen as an authority in Urdu culture studies. The centre has a gallery based on achievements and activities of Maulana Azad National Urdu University in pictorial form named as Azad Gallery. The Centre has rich collection of rare and valuable reading materials in its library, useful for research scholars and Urdu lovers. Some renowned personalities of Hyderabad and other cities have donated about 5,000 rare and valuable books, 4,000 magazines and 200 manuscripts from their personal collections to the Center. The center organizes activities related to urdu language and culture, the activities includes - Creative writing workshops; Workshops on Dastangoi; Presentation of Dastangoi; Ghazal Sarai course (six months); Kahani Club and its Bi-Weekly meetings with the presentation of new short stories by the students; MANUU Drama Club with plays such as Daadi Amma Maan Bhi Jaao, Chauraha; multimedia exhibitions (such as on 1857); workshop on Dress and Personality exclusively for girls; Theatre workshop.
Email : cws@manuu.edu.in
Telephone No(s) : 040-23008454
Fax No(s) :
Postal Address
Address : Center for Women Studies (CWS)<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
The Centre for Women’s Studies since its inception is actively engaged in teaching, training, research and extension activities. The center aims to promote gender equality through education. Through these activities the centre is focusing on Empowerment of Urdu Speaking Womenand focusing on critical issues pertaining to gender equality at community level. The main objective of the center is to work for the empowerment of women through field action and advocacy; These activities are meant to create space for women to join together to establish a network between women researchers, lobbyists, and policy planners for action plan and policies of women empowerment and also to create social milieu, and disseminate information and knowledge to women; Further, it is spreading the concept of gender analysis for the betterment of women community. The center organizes regularly Seminars, Panel Discussion, Trainings, Workshops, Awareness programs and Literary & Cultural Programs for the Gender Sensitization.
Postal Address
Address : Center for Civil Services Coaching (CSE)<br>Maulana Azad National Urdu University<br>Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
The Civil Service Examination Residential Coaching Academy (RCA) at MANUU was established in 2009 with the express purpose of training vulnerable sections of society grossly under-represented in the Indian bureaucracy. The academy focuses on Women, Muslims, Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes. The academy will take a fresh intake this year in July through an entrance examination and an interview. Admission is open to all young men and women across the country. Those selected will be offered free hostel accommodation, mentoring, coaching and practise tests. The duration of the training program is 15 months. Details and the on line application form is available at our website. Any student who is eligible to take the Civil Service Examination may apply. The RCA strives to provide its students with high class selected interventions through lectures by chosen faculty, while encouraging aspirants to work hard and prepare themselves for this unique examination. Therefore while specific titles are explained through lectures and discussions, the onus remains on the young students to study on their own and prepare hard. The academy also strives to help students who select Urdu, Telugu, Political Science, Public Administration, History or Economics as their optional subjects. Students have complete 24 access to the library and to a modern computer centre with internet facility. They also come face to face with some leading bureaucrats and academics through the various seminars and conferences the academy organizes regularly. In October 2017, the academy conducted a workshop with leading civil service coaching institutions from across the country. It also conducted a seminar on Maulana Azad and his views on decentralization, public administration and the idea of modern India. In January 2018 it will conduct a National conference on Equal Opportunity, disability, gender rights and inclusion growth.
Postal Address
Address : Centre for Information Technology (CIT), Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli
City : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Pin Code : 500032
Centre Brief Profile
The University CIT caters to the ICT requirements of the University with the objective of providing basic computing facilities to the students and teachers. During the past few years, the center has evolved from a very small computing facility to a critical central facility of the University. Keeping its ethos of refurbishing education and research with modernization, the Maulana Azad National Urdu University has been leveraging the ICT as a tool to induce strategic improvement and changes in the system. The CIT has thus taken on an important role of IT enabler for the University. The center today offers essential ICT services including Internet Access, Email for staff and research students, IT security,WiFi, University Portal, Development and Maintenance, problem diagnostics and troubleshooting through network. To provide Internet facility and access to online learning material, the Center administers a 1-Gbps link to National Knowledge Network. CIT is making vigorous efforts to fully automate the university's academic and administrative functioning by cherishing modern ICT tools. Modules for Students Management System, Examinations Systems, Online Fee Management System Course Curriculum Management are already functional. Work on developing other important modules including Finance, File Tracking system, etc. under comprehensive Integrated University Management Software (IUMS) is underway. The modules are expected to be launched in near future.