


Sitting Roooms

Committee/Conference Rooms

The University has a Guest House which consists of three blocks of modern, multi-storeyed buildings situated in the serene locales of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University campus. Apart from 8 Executive suites, the Guest House has 22 well-furnished double rooms and 5 single Rooms. Each unit is equipped with modern facilities like air conditioning, colour TV etc. Hot water is available through solar water heating panels installed on the roof of the building. In addition to this, there is a Committee Room/Conference Room with a seating capacity for around 20-25 persons and a large dining area that can accommodate 100 persons. There are two stretches of spacious lawns that can also be used to arrange outdoor gatherings of almost 400 persons.
The University Guest House is under the direct administrative control of the Registrar
- Prioritized List for Occupancy
The Guest House is primarily meant for:
- Official guests of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University such as members of the Executive Council, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Selection Committees, Special Committees, former Vice-Chancellors of MANUU; examiners/experts coming to the university to conduct viva and any other guest as approved by the Vice Chancellor.
- Outside faculty/Experts participating in Seminars/Workshops/Symposia/ Conferences/Training Programmes organised by the University/Centres/ Departments.
- UGC sponsored guests who would include Visiting Professors, Professors Emeritus, Visiting Fellows and others.
- Adjunct faculty from other educational/academic institutions who come to Hyderabad for academic work and are sponsored by their respective institutions/newly appointed faculty.
- Emergency requirement of rooms occurring at the event of a major conference/festival being organized by MANUU.
- Other Departmental officials /Non Official’s category visitors for short stay. But this would require prior approval from competent authorities.
- Accommodation shall not be provided to the students/Research Scholars in the University Guest House.
The allotment of rooms shall be strictly in order of preferences mentioned above. All allotment of rooms covered under category 'A' will not be charged. Those guests in categories B to D who come to the university on official business will be charged at official rates from the respective departments hosting them.
All guests falling under any of these categories must write for reservation of rooms to the Registrar, MANUU, Hyderabad-500 032, India. Allotment shall be purely provisional and accommodation shall be provided upon prior reservation. But such provisional bookings are liable to be cancelled without assigning any reason in case the University needs the rooms for its own use.
The Guest House provides linen (bed sheet, pillow, pillow-cover, towel, blanket, mattress etc.) to the guests. The guests are requested to check these items at the time of occupying the room. The responsibility for any missing item will, thereafter, rest with the guests. The guests are responsible for proper use and upkeep of the materials/fixtures provided in the rooms as also in the guest house. They shall be liable to pay charges for any loss or damage caused during their stay.
The maximum stay permissible in the Guest House is for ten days. Guests are required to make entries in the Register with the Guest House Manager before occupying the room. All the guests are required to furnish a copy of ID proof at the time of check-in. Foreigners may kindly give details of their passports.
- Duration of Stay
Check-Out Time: The Check-Out time is 24 hrs from the time of arrival. The Guest may check in at any time. However, for the purpose of accounting, a day means 24 hours from the time of occupation/arrival. Fraction of a day will be counted as a full day.Extension: Any extension in stay is granted by the Office of the Registrar only. Therefore, all such requests should be sent to the Registrar at least 24 hours in advance. Where the extension of stay has not been allowed, the stay of the person beyond the approved period will be treated as unauthorised.
Cancellation: The University reserves the right to cancel or refuse accommodation if it feels that the stay of such person(s) is not desirable in the interest of the University.
- Charges
The rent for the various facilities provided in the Guest House will be charged as approved by the University. These charges are liable to be amended from time to time with the approval of the Vice Chancellor. If necessary, special packages for boarding and lodging maybe developed by the guest house for organising special events for outside organisations with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
1. Bookings will be made under the two categories-official and non-official and charges levied per day as detailed below
Type | Single Room | Double Room | Suite |
Official | Rs. 400 | Rs. 500 | Rs. 800 |
Non-Official | Rs. 600 | Rs. 800 | Rs. 1200 |
- Official visit booking will be given preference.
- Booking will be made purely on first come first served basis. Hence, earlier requests or official booking will get preference.
- All bookings are to be directly addressed to the Registrar, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. A confirmation of booking may be asked from the Guest House in case no confirmation is received.
- Official receipts will be given for all payments made.
1. Meals (other than bed tea and breakfast) will be served on advance order during the following hours:
Bed Tea | 7.00 a.m. | To | 7.30 a.m. |
Breakfast | 8.00 a.m. | To | 9.00 a.m. |
Lunch | 1.00 p.m.. | To | 2.00 p.m. |
Evening Tea | 4.30 p.m. | To | 5.00p.m. |
Dinner | 8.00 p.m. | To | 9.00 p.m. |
2. All meals except bed tea will be served in the dining hall.
3. Catering from outside for parties shall not be permitted.
4. Separate payment will have to be done for breakfast, lunch and dinner and beverages by the guests staying at the guest house.
5. For catering for in-house departmental events minimum 48 hours written prior notice must be given to the guest house to make the required arrangements.
4. Rules and Regulations
- All dues should be cleared by the occupant before/at departure time. If payment is not made by the guest, payment will be made by the staff who has recommended/Sponsored.
- All suites will be allotted only on the discretion of the Vice- Chancellor / Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Registrar.
- All payments shall be against official bills and the receipts for the same maybe obtained.
- The Vice-Chancellor may exempt any person from payment of lodging and/or boarding charges and may declare any person as a University Guest.
- A person suffering from infectious or a contagious disease shall not be allowed to stay in the Guest House.
- Accommodation in the Guest House cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
- Allotment of accommodation in the Guest House shall not confer on the allottees any right of tenancy of the premises and the University shall have the right to get the rooms vacated at any time without giving any prior notice or assigning any reason in case of unauthorized stay/over stay.
- The Guest House will be under the administrative control of the officer as authorized by the Vice-Chancellor.
- The Vice-Chancellor may grant exemption from the operation of any of the above rules in exceptional cases on merit.
- The decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final in regard to the interpretation of these rules.
- Persons staying in the Guest House are not entitled to bring in unauthorised guest(s) to stay with them in the Guest House.
- The Guests staying out for the night or coming late should inform the Guest-House-Keeper/Security Guard in advance to avoid any inconvenience.
- The University shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to person or the property or valuables such as gold ornaments, cash, lab tops etc., of any occupant during his / her stay in the Guest House.
- Male visitors are not allowed to stay in the rooms occupied by female guests and vice-versa.
- Alcoholic drinks in the Guest House are prohibited.
- All visitors coming to see a guest staying in the guest house shall have to make entries in the register available at the reception.
- Pets are not allowed in the Guest House.
- Cooking and dinning is not allowed in the rooms.
- The Guests must return the room keys to the Guest House staff at check out.
- The guests are requested to switch off the lights and fans, close windows and lock their rooms when they go out.
- Guest must be in proper dress while going out from room in the premises of Guest House.
- Guest House services will be closed after 10.00 p.m.
- Guests are advised to conserve water and energy to avoide wasteful usage and also requested to place the trash in designated bins.
- Clothes should not be dried in the common areas of the Guest House.
- The rules may be amended with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.