Dr. S. Abdul Thaha
Al-Beruni Centre for Study of Social Inclusion (ABCSSI)
Email Id : sathaha@manuu.edu.in
Phone : +91-9440310570
Educational Qualifications:
Research Interest :Environmental History, Mapping poverty and social exclusion of marginalised sections (dalits, tribal communities, religious minorities, women, children, LGBTQs and PWDs), Education and Child Labour
Profile of Dr. S. Abdul Thaha
Dr. S. Abdul Thaha has joined Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy in 2008. He did his PhD (History-Regional Studies) from the University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana State. A historian by training, his research interests are interdisciplinary in approach and actively involved with various Civil Society Organisations and Research Institutes in India and other countries. Prior to joining the Centre at MANUU, he was associated with development research organisations. He was involved in a number of research projects commissioned by Governments, National and International Organisations like IFPRI (USA), ILO, ICRW (USA), SACI-Waters (Hyderabad), IDRC (Canada), ICDS, CADA, APRLP, DPAP (Government of Andhra Pradesh), DDS (Hyderabad), MV Foundation (Hyderabad), etc. Most of the research projects were conducted in the fields of poverty, rural development, agriculture, livelihoods, migration, child labour, natural resource management, gender, food security and so on.
He has a number of publications in his research interest areas and has presented papers at several National and International Seminars. He has published a book, Forest Policy and Ecological Change: Hyderabad State in Colonial India (Cambridge University Press: New Delhi: 2009), edited three books, Muslims of India: Exclusionary Process and Inclusionary Measures (co-edited with Abdul Matin, et.al; Manak Publications, New Delhi: 2010), Minorities in Contemporary India: Social Violence and Social Exclusion (Urdu) (with Mohasina Anjum Ansari, published by Directorate of Translation and Publication, MANUU, Hyderabad: 2019), Status of Muslim Women in Indian Sub-Continent(Urdu) (with Farida Siddiqui, being published by Directorate of Translation and Publication, MANUU, Hyderabad: 2021), in addition to a number of research articles in journals, edited volumes and newspapers. He has presented his research works in several national and international conferences (China, Malaysia, UK, France, USA and Thailand). He regularly works and writes on exclusion of religious minorities from historical perspective, social justice and affirmative action. His main focus is on inclusive growth of all sections of Indian society and contributes substantially to the production and dissemination of research outputs and publications of the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy. He works with and provides policy advice to civil society organisations, politicians, policymakers and government officials for disseminating the ideas of social inclusion and inclusive growth.
He is a Life Member of Indian History Congress, South Indian History Congress, Telangana History Congress, Association for Social Exclusion Studies and Annual Member of Association for Asian Studies, USA.
Research Publication of Dr. S. Abdul Thaha
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul (2021), “Burning in the Kilns: An Overview of Child Labour in Informal Labour Sector in India” Rani Ratna Prabha (ed), Unorganised Labour in India: Issues and Concerns, New Delhi: Manak Publications (ISBN: 9789391897048)
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul (2012), ‘An Overview on the Debate on Proportional Representation in Andhra Pradesh’, Rahanuma-e-Deccan, 13.
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul (2018), State and Feudalism: Jagirdari Relations and Hierarchy in Nizam’s Dominions”, Pramana Research Journal, (ISSN : 2249-2976) Vol-7, Issue-30(II) (Oct-Dec. 2018), Pp. 302-310.
Chapters in Book
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul (2019), Media aur Sabiasaaji: Hindustani Cinema mein Musalmanon ki Akaas, Maujooda Hindstan mein Aqalliyat: Samaji tashaddud aur Ikhrajiyat’. Hyderabad: Directorate of Translation and Publication, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (in Urdu). ISBN No. 9789380322469.
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul (2013), ‘Impact of Forest Policies in Tribal Communities in Hyderabad State’, in K. Arjun Rao and M. Venkateshwar Rao (eds.), Tribal Situation in India: A Comparative Perspective, (pp.156-193), New Delhi: Research India Press. (ISBN-9788189131722)
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul and Neena Rao (2012), ‘Muslims of Hyderabad-Land Locked in the Walled City’ in Laurent Gayer and Christophe Jaffrelot (eds.), Muslims in Indian Cities: Trajectories of Marginalisation, (pp. 189-211) London: C Hurst & Co Publishers. (ISBN-9781849041768)
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul 2016 Bharat mein LGBT tabqa ke sath imteyaz aur samaji alaidaghi: Aik Tanqeedi Jaiza: ISBN No: 2349-025X
- Abdul Matin and Thaha, Shaik Abdul, et.al. (eds.) (2012), Muslims of India: Exclusionary Processes and Inclusionary Measures, New Delhi: Manak Publications. (ISBN-10:9378313108)
- Thaha, Shaik Abdul 2018 Development of Irrigation and its Influence on Forests in Hyderabad State
Research Projects Working / Worked
- Working as Co-Project Director in the ICSSR Sponsored Research Project on ‘Muslims in South India: Present and Future’, ACSSEIP, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. (2015-17) (Budget Rs. 30 lakhs)
- Working on a Major Research Project, ‘Poverty and Social Exclusion among Muslims in Andhra Pradesh’ sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.(to be submitted in April 2016) (Budget Rs. 4.65 lakhs)
- Worked as a Consultant for Centre for Climate Change and Environment Advisory, MCRHRD, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Research Project on “Assessment of NREGA Water Services as a Potential Tool for Climate Change Adaptation in Mahabub Nagar District” May-June, 2012.