Dr. K. M. Ziyauddin
Associate Professor
Email Id :ziyakm@manuu.edu.in, ziyakm@rediffmail.com
Phone :091-9966255073, 7992319659
Educational Qualifications:M.Phil, Ph.D
Research Interests: Sociology of Minority Studies, Dalits, Exclusion/ Inclusion Studies, Urban Sociology, Traditional occupation and social groups.
Teaching Interest: Research Methodology (Qualitative), Urban Sociology, Health and medicine
Profile of K. M. Ziyauddin
Dr. K. M. Ziyauddin is a teaching faculty in the Department of Sociology, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. Before joining in the department, he was associated with the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive, MANUU. He is a trained sociologist while attaining Masters’ degree in Sociology from Jamia MIllia Islamia, MPhil degree from JNU on the title as ‘ health in a Dalit community: A Preliminary explorations of a community in ‘polluted’ occupation”. He was awarded Ph.D. for the title ‘Perceptions of Illness and Health among Dalits’ in Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi. Ziyaudding began his initial teaching assignment as Lecture (temp) from Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi until joining MANUU in the year 2007. Primarily his area of research works includes Exclusionary Studies of Minority, Sociology of Health & Illness, Public Health and Sanitation Workers and Dalit Studies; Urban Sociology etc. He is currently working towards his three book publications on “Reading Minorities” by Rawat Publications,
A few of his publication includes Muslims of India: Exclusionary Process and Inclusionary Measures”, Abdul Matin, K. M. Ziyauddin et al. New Delhi: Manak Publication. “Dimensions of Social Exclusion: An Ethnographic Explorations”, & ‘Sociology of Health in a Dalit Community: Axes of Exclusion’ Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK apart from research papers published in national and international journals. Three of his writings are under publications namely; ‘Illness and Health among Dalits; Ethnicity and Minority in India: An interdisciplinary Reading; Muslim Minority in India – from Health to Inclusion’. In his over one and half decades of teaching and research at central universities, Ziyauddin has also been associated with civil society organizations working on Minorities, gender justice, Sanitation workers rights’. He is actively associated in the academic activities of Indian Sociological Society as a convener of Research Committee 26-Minority Studies.
Research Publication of K. M. Ziyauddin
International Books
- Ziyauddin, K. M. 2019, ‘Sociology of Health in a Dalit Community: Axes of Exclusion’, by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, ISBN No. 978-1443840033.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. 2012. ‘Muslim Scavengers in India: Perception and Perspectives of Social Exclusion’’, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. ISBN NO. 978-3-8484-9669-3.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. and Eswarappa Kasi. 2009. Dimensions of Social Exclusion: Ethnographic Explorations’ vol. I. (ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN13: 978-1-4438-1342-6 ISBN: 1-4438-1342-7
National Books
- Ziyauddin, K. M., Abdul Matin et al. “Muslims of India: Exclusionary Process and Inclusionary Measures”, New Delhi: Manak Publication. ISBN No. 9789378313103- 9789378313103.
- Ziyauddin, K. M., Mohammad, P.H. et al. 2011, Annotated Bibliography on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies (Ed.) Hyderabad: Sree Bhagwan
Chapters in Ed. Books
- Ziyauddin. K. M. 2019. ‘Khwateen aur Samaji Insaaf par Dr. B R Ambedkar ke Khyalaat’”, in Abdul Thaha and Mohasina A. Ansari, ‘Maujooda Hindstan mein Aqalliyat: Samaji tashaddud aur Ikhrajiyat’. Hyderabad: Directorate of Translation and Publication, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (in Urdu).
- Ziyauddin, K. M. 2018. Sinfi Masaavaat aur Huqooq par Ambedkar ke Nazariyaat: Ek Samajiyaati Tanazur, in Azra Abidi ‘Hindustan mein Tanisiyat (Feminism in India) edited. New Delhi: National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language.
- Ziyauddin. K. M. 2017. Manual Scavengers far From Dignity and Inclusion', In Dalits ISSUES: Caste and Class Interface edited byT Brahmanandam, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2016). Block 3. Ambedkar as an Economic Administrator- Unit: 4. Health. For theCertificate Programme on Life and Thought of B. R. Ambedkar. School of Social Sciences-IGNOU. New Delhi.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2015). Ageing and Old Age Social Security in India: Exclusionary Versus Interdisciplinary Exposition,2015, in (Ed.) ‘Emerging Issues in Gerontology: Relevance and Possibilities’, with ISBN No. 978-93-80574-52-3 by Tattwamsipalta Singh and Renu Tyagi. New Delhi: Bookwell.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2015). Politics of Gender: Issues and Challenges on Muslim women in India, In Ed. Rekha Pande, Gender Lenses: Women's Issues and Perspectives, Jaipur: Rawat Publications. ISBN. 9788131606285.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2010). “Framing Dalits in the context of social exclusion: conceptualization in Indian perspectives”; in, 2010, “Inclusion of the Excluded: Dynamics and Challenges”, D Rajasenan, Directorate of Public Relations and Publications, CUSAT, Kochi, India. ISBN: 978-83-80095-09-7.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2009), Dimensions of Social Exclusion: An Introduction (page 1-6) in Ziyauddin, K. M. and Eswarappa Kasi. Ed. 2009. Dimensions of Social Exclusion: Ethnographic Explorations’ vol. I. (ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN13: 978-1-4438-1342-6 ISBN: 1-4438-1342-7.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2009), Dalits and Social Exclusion-Understanding the conceptualization (page 7-22) in Ziyauddin, K. M. and Eswarappa Kasi. Ed. 2009. Dimensions of Social Exclusion: Ethnographic Explorations’ vol. I. (ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN13: 978-1-4438-1342-6 ISBN: 1-4438-1342-7.
Research papers in Journals
- Ziyauddin, K. M. and Sanghmitra Acharya 2005. “The Dalit Question: Some concerns about work and health”, in International Journal of Rural Studies, Middlesex, U.K., Vol. 12, No 2, October. 2005. ISSN No. 1023-2001, (Page 27-30)
- Ziyauddin, K. M.2009 “Perception of Illness and Health among Dalits in an Urban Fringe”,. International Journal of Research and Social Sciences, Pondichery, India. Volume 2 Number
- January-June, ISSN NO. 0974-1674. (Page 73-84).
- Ziyauddin, K. M. 2008. “Gender Politics: Issues and challenges of Muslim women in India”, Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. VIII Number 1 March 2008;Kathmandu: Nepal. (Page 34-54).
- Ziyauddin, K.M. and MD Afroz. (2019). Governance apathy and Social Hazards: A Case Study of Child Labour in Handloom Industry. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and
Humanities Research. Volume-4 | Issue-2 | Feb: 31-42. ISSN: 2456-2971. [UGC Listed Journal]. - Ziyauddin, K.M. (2019). Is Reservation beyond an Agenda or Tool of Inclusion? A Case of Muslims in India. Volume-04. ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online) Issue-01. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary January: 814-818. www.rrjournals.com [UGC Listed Journal].
- Ziyauddin, K. M (2016). Occupation and Dignity of Unseen Population: Yes they are manual Scavengers. Journal of Exclusion Studies. 6 (2): 125-140. ISBN. 2231-4547.
- Ziyauddin, K.M. 2016. ‘Situating Hadis Community as Manual Scavengers in Bokaro’. Dalit Asmita’ Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi (communicated).
- Ziyauddin, K.M. The Genesis of Caste System in India, a Monthly bulletin of Foundation of Social Care, New Delhi, 2003.
Book Reviews
- Ziyauddin, K M. (2012), ‘Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence’, by Abdul Shaban, Routledge, April 20, in Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol. 3, Number 1, February, 2013. New Delhi. ISSN Print No. 2231-4547, Online 2231-4555.
- Ziyauddin, K. M. (2016). Review ‘Fieldwork in South Asia: memories, Moments and Experiences’ by Sarit K Chaudhary and Sucheta Chaudhary (Ed.), Social Change (CSD- SAGE Journal) (September, 2017. 47.3).
- Ziyauddin, K.M. (2018), Sociology: An introduction’ by Azra Abidi in ‘Urdu Duniya’, March 2018, Vol. 20, Issue: 03. New Delhi: National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language, ISS No. 2249-0639. (p.73).
Under-Publication/Communicated (Books)
- Ziyauddin. K. M. (2019-20), “Exploring Health of Muslims: Introspections in two South Indian States”, New Delhi: Routledge.
- Ziyauddin, K.M. (2019-20). Reading Minorities in India: Forms and Perspectives. Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
- Ziyauddin, K.M. (2019-20). Dalits in India: Ethnography on Health and Illness. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Under Publications (Chapters)
- Ziyauddin, K.M. 2019. Sociology of Minorities: From Core to Periphery. In ‘Ingredients of Sociology: Themes and Paradigms’, edited by Elios Olukorede Wahab and Amit Bhowmik, New Delhi: Delton International Publishing House (Under Publication).
- Ziyauddin, K. M. and Asma Anjum. 2019. Hyderabadi Musalman aur Zardozie khwateen Kaarigar: Ek Samajiyati Tahqeeq” in edited volume by Farida Siddiqui, Hyderabad:
Directorate of Translation and Publication, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (communicated). - Ziyauddin, K.M. 2019. Minorities in Higher Education: Reading Space of Muslim’s Inclusion in India. in edited Higher Education in India: challenges and prospects from the margin, by Surendra Kumar, New Delhi: Navyana.
- Ziyauddin, K.M., S. Abdul Thaha, and A. Nageswara Rao. 2019. Social Inclusion of Minorities and Equal Opportunity Commission In India: A Journey Towards Equality’, in edited Equal Opportunity and Inclusion: Gender and Minority’, by Shahida and Amir Ullah Khan. Springer (communicated).
- Ziyauddin. K. M. 2019. “Sociology of Minorities: Some sociological nuances” in Reading Minorities in India: Forms and Perspectives, edited by Ziyauddin, K.M. Jaipur: Rawat Publications (Under Publication).
- Ziyauddin, K. M. 2019. Reproductive and Maternal Health Care, In Health and Development, under Masters’Programme in Development Studies, School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS), Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (communicated).
Under Publications (Research Papers)
- Ziyauddin, K.M. 2019. Child Labour In Marble Sector Of Makrana, Rajasthan: Sociological Nuances On Exclusion. South Asia Research Journal, Sage Publications (Communicated).
- Ziyauddin, K.M. & S. Abdul Thaha 2019. Living Environment and Infrastructure Conditions in Muslim Concentrated Areas in Telangana State: Exclusionary Reflections. In Social Change, Sage Publications (communicated).