Prof. Gulfishan Habeeb
Email Id :showerofpetals@yahoo.co.in, dean.languages@manuu.edu.in
Phone :
Research Publication of Gulfishan Habeeb
Educational Qualifications:
Qualification |
Year of Passing |
Board/University |
Subjects opted |
Division |
1982 |
BSE, Hyderabad |
English, Special English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Studies |
1st |
Intermediate |
1984 |
BIE, Hyderabad, AP |
English, French, English Literature, History, Civics |
1st |
B.A. |
1987 |
Osmania University, Hyderabad |
English, French, English Literature, History, Political Science |
1st |
M.A. |
1989 |
Osmania University, Hyderabad |
English |
1st (University Rank 2nd ) |
M.Phil English |
1992 |
Osmania University, Hyderabad |
Black American Autobiography and Malcolm X: A Critical Analysis |
---- |
Ph.D English |
1998 |
Osmania University, Hyderabad |
Religious Consciousness in African American Literature: Richard Wright; James Baldwin and Malcolm X |
--- |
UGC JRF NET in English awarded in 1990 |
Teaching Experience:
August 1989 to present: 30 years (Taught Courses at Research level; Postgraduate level; Undergraduate level and at plus two level at various institutions, Central, State and Private such as MANUU; College of Languages; APRJC; Shadan Degree College; Anwarululoom Degree College and DBPM Degree College.
Research Supervision: Total 17 - 8 Ph.D and 9 M.Phil
(Ph.D) |
Name of the Scholar |
Title and Year |
Jan Mudassir Gul |
David Lodge and the Development of Campus Fiction. 2013 |
Shabeer Ahmed Taing |
Short Story Across Cultures: A Sociological Study of Selected Short Stories of O. Henry, Leo Tolstoy, R.K. Narayan and Akhtar Mohi-ud-Din. 2013 |
DRP ChandraSekhar |
Study of Street Play as a Living Genre: A Case Study of Interventions in the Old City of Hyderabad. 2014 |
Naseer Ahmed Naseer |
An Ecocritical Approach to British, American and Indian Poetry. 2014 |
Anayat Ali Shah |
Lalla Vakhs and Bulleh Shah’s Poetry: A Study of Mystical Elements. 2017 |
Shoukat Hussain |
Culture and Identity: A Study of Zulfiqar Ghose’s A New History of Torments, Don Bueno, Figures of Enchantment and The Triple Mirror of the Self. 2017 |
Peddipaga Rambabu |
Brain-Based Approach: Learning and Teaching L2 Vocabulary at Elementary Schools in Andhra Pradesh. 2017 |
Nagaraju Mandly |
Teaching Spoken and Written English Communication Skills to Polytechnic Students Using Multiple Intelligence Approach: An Experimental Study. 2018 |
(M.Phil.) |
Name of the Scholar |
Title and Year |
Hafsa Binte Omar |
Man and Milieu: A Comparative Study of Ephraim Cabot and Wily Loman. 2008 |
Mirza Irfan Baig |
Issue of Racism: Native Son and Light in August. 2008 |
T. Anand Kattimani |
Comparative Study of Dalit Literature and African American Literature: Joothan and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 2009 |
Syed Ajmal Sameed |
Autobiographical Element in the Works of Ruskin Bond. 2010 |
DRP Chandra Sekhar |
Social Anxiety and Dissent in Post War Britain: A Case Study of Howard Brenton’s Plays. 2010 |
Shamsudheen P. |
Iconic Characters, Thirst for Freedom and Vicissitudes of Life: A Canonic Shift in the Selected Works of Vaikoom Mohammad Basheer. 2012 |
Shoukat Hussain |
Feminist Consciousness: A Study of Caryl Churchill’s Vinegar Tom, Cloud Nine and Top Girls. 2012 |
Mudasir Ahmed Mir |
Harold Pinter’s Contribution to the Theatre of the Absurd. 2014 |
Tawseef Majid Mir |
A Study of Socio-Political Discourse in the Select Plays of Sean O’Casey. 2015 |
Research Adjudication of M.Phil and Ph.D theses at various Universities both Central and State such as:
- The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad;
- University of Hyderabad;
- Osmania University, Hyderabad;
- Dravidian University, Kuppam;
- Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi;
- Swami Ramananda Teerth Marathwada University (SRTMU), Nanded;
- Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU), Kottayam;
- Savitribai Phule University, Pune;
- University of Mumbai and
- MANUU, Hyderabad
Also invited as Chairperson and External Expert for Final Ph.D Viva Voce at EFLU, Hyderabad; SRTMU, Nanded and MGU, Kottayam.
Major Research Project: Awarded Major Research Project by UGC on Environment and Literature: An Ecocritical Approach
MHRD – E-PG Pathshala: Presented the following Modules for M.A. English Paper 14, Indian Writing in English:
- A Historical Study of the Origin and Evolution of Indian Fiction in English (Module 22)
- Untouchability – Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchables (Module 23)
Membership on Boards of Studies etc:
- Member, BoS: Department of English Language Teaching, School of Distance Education, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad,
- Member PG BoS: Department of English, Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Member: Subject Expert Committee, Dept of English, BRAOU, Hyderabad
- Special Invitee, BoS: Department of English, MANUU, Hyderabad
- Habeeb, “The Spirituals in Richard Wright.”LangLit 1.2 (November 2015). ISSN 23495189
- Habeeb, English for Speakers of Urdu: A Proficiency Course. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2014. ISBN 22780742
- Habeeb, “African American Autobiography.”The Criterion 5.V (October 2014). ISSN 09768165
- Mir, Mudassir and Gulfishaan Habeeb. “A Critique of Modernist Absurdism in Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming.” Literary Quest 4 (September 2014). ISSN 23495650
- Habeeb, “The Epiphany” International Journal of English Language, Literature and Skills. ISSN 22780742
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Facebook and the Faceless Distance Learner: Facilitating a Bond in the Learning ” Disseminating Learning, Diminishing Borders: ODL in the 21st Century. DDE, MANUU Conference Proceedings 2013.
- Habeeb, “Let Go” IJELLS 2.2 (April 2013). ISSN 22780742
- Habeeb, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”Research Vistas 1.2 (March-April 2012). ISSN 2277310X
- Waheed, A. and Gulfishaan Habeeb.“Excerpts from an Interview on Mulk Raj Anand’s Novel Untouchables.” Thematics Journal of Arts and Culture 1.4 (January 2012). ISSN 22310789
- Habeeb, “Fair Ones, Close-Guarded in Pavilions: Depiction of Self in the Poetry of Parveen Shaker.” Writings of Women, Writings on Women. CULLC, MANUU. Conference Proceedings 2012.
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan and Habeeb. “Ecocritical theory or E-Theory: Some Newer Perspectives.” Postmodern Literary Theory and Literature Shinde and Mirza. Conference Proceedings 2012 (ISBN 9788192012001)
- Habeeb, “Hardy’s Fiction and Ecocriticism: Emerging Trends in Research and Training.” MAJELL 2.1 (March 2010). ISSN 09749268
- Habeeb, English for GNM Students. Hyderabad: Florence, 2009-10.
- Habeeb, “Glocal English: New Techniques in ELT.” MAJELL 1.1 (March 2009). ISSN 09749268
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan . “ODL and English: Reaching Out to the Urdu ” Staff and Educational Development International Journal (SEDI) Vol 13. No 1(2009). ISSN 0791 9008
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan . “Quest for Love and Religion: The Amen Corner.” International Journal of Drama Studies. Vol 2 No 1 (Jan 2008).
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Post Colonial Poetry.” Modern Language English. Ed. Jayalakshmi. CDE, Osmania (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 3rd year)
- Habeeb, “Introduction to Prose and Poetry.” General English (2nd Year) Ed. Gulfishaan Habeeb, DDE, MANUU. (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 2nd year)
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “True Love” in General English (2nd Year) Ed. Gulfishaan Habeeb. DDE, 2007 (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students – 2nd year)
- Raj, V and Gulfishaan Habeeb. General English (1st year) DDE, MANUU. 2006 (Self Learning Material for Undergraduate Students –1st year)
- Habeeb, Sense Perceptions: A Collection of Poems. Premier 2006.
- Habeeb, First Impressions: Essays on American Literature. Premier 2006.
- Habeeb, “Strategies for Communication Skills Development.” 3rd iceg 2006. Sona College of Technology, 2008. Conference Proceedings.
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. African American Literature and Religious Premier 2006.
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “Stark ” Sada-e-Niswan. Vol 1 Issue 1. March 2006.
- Habeeb, The Autobiography of Malcolm X: A Critical Analysis. Premier 2002.
- Habeeb, Gulfishaan. “The Twenties in Black and White: A Comparative Study of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Wright’s Black Boy and American Hunger” in F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary Essays from India. Ed. Mohan Ramanan. Prestige, 1998. ISBN 8175510412
Audio- Video Lessons (scripted/coordinated/presented) |
Sl. No. |
Title |
Format |
Audio/ AV |
1 |
Language and Thought |
Panel Discussion |
AV |
2 |
Description of Consonant Sounds |
Straight Talk |
AV |
3 |
Use of Capital Letters |
Straight Talk |
AV |
4 |
Epic Conventions in Paradise Lost |
Straight Talk |
AV |
5 |
Changes in Spelling |
Interview |
AV |
6 |
Concord |
Straight Talk |
AV |
7 |
Character of Heathcliff |
Straight Talk |
AV |
8 |
Waiting for Godot |
Straight Talk |
AV |
9 |
Post Colonial Theory |
Interview |
AV |
10 |
Changes in Sound |
Straight Talk |
AV |
11 |
Romantic Poetry Part 1 |
Interview |
AV |
12 |
Romantic Poetry Part 2 |
Interview |
AV |
13 |
Romantic Poetry Part 3 |
Interview |
AV |
14 |
Cultural Studies and New Historicism |
Straight Talk |
AV |
15 |
Deconstruction and Post Structuralism |
Straight Talk |
AV |
16 |
Verb: Present Tense |
Straight Talk |
AV |
17 |
Interview Skills |
Straight Talk |
AV |
18 |
Nouns |
Talk |
19 |
Types of Sentences |
Talk |
20 |
Conjunctions |
Talk |
21 |
Pronouns |
Talk |
22 |
Narrative Technique in Wuthering Heights |
Talk |
23 |
Carribean Poetry and Derek Walcot |
Talk |
24 |
Australian Poetry and Moschus Moschiferous- Part A |
Talk |
25 |
Australian Poetry and Moschus Moschiferous- Part B |
Talk |
26 |
The Great Gatsby |
Talk |
27 |
Metaphysical Poetry |
Talk |
28 |
Huckleberry Finn |
Talk |
29 |
Articles |
Talk |
Coordinating AV lessons, English for IMC along with HoD, English since 2017 |
Any other: Attended various Seminars, Conferences and Workshops both at national and international levels. Invited as Plenary Speaker, Panelist, Chairperson and Resource Person. Held additional responsibilities such as Coordinator, UGC- RCCM, MANUU; CPIO, MANUU; Chairperson, ICC, MANUU; Provost, Girls Hostels, MANUU. Membership on various Committees at MANUU.