Dr. Qudsi Rizvi
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Email Id :qudsicalling@gmail.com
Phone :8765840256
Educational Qualifications:M.Phil & PhD in English
Research Interests: Gender Studies, Ecocriticism, Religion, Philosophy and Poetry
Profile of Qudsi Rizvi
Dr Qudsi Rizvi is a guest faculty in the Department of English, MANUU Hyderabad since January 2022. He is an M.Phil & PhD in English. He enjoys more than 12 years of active teaching experience. He has published research papers, book chapters, essays and poems in various International & National literary journals, magazines and anthologies. He has achieved various awards in poetry and essay writing. He is also an international inter-faith speaker and is invited globally at various religious events. His research interests are gender studies, ecocriticism, religion, philosophy and poetry. Recently he has published his first anthology in English titled ‘Shades of Solitude’.
Research Publication of Qudsi Rizvi
- Rizvi, Qudsi. “The Basic Role of Spirituality in Education” in The International Journal of Culture, Literature and Criticism.” (V.12, October 2015). ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Glimpses of Gender Discrimination in The Dark Holds No Terrors.” The Journal of Language and Literature. Photon 115, V.1 (July 2014): 176-180. ISJN: 3804-8375. Impact Index: 3.28. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Effect of Gendered Childhood on Marital Relations in Roots and Shadows.” The Criterion: An International Journal in English 4.5 (October 2013): 1-10. ISSN: 0976-8165. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Into the Absurd: The Confluence of Menace & Humour in The Birthday Party.” The International Journal of Culture, Literature & Criticism V 2 (October 2010): 68-73. ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Patterns of Human Interaction with the Environment & Nature in the fiction of Thomas Hardy.” Avante Garde Responses: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 1.1 (February 2012): 1-10. ISSN: 2278-4810. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Catharsis through Nature & Ecology in Wordsworth’s The Prelude.” Research Vistas 1.6 (November - December 2012): 49-56. ISSN: 2277 – 310X. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Breaking the False Mirrors in That Long Silence”. Sahitya Academy Award Winning Novels. Vivekanand Jha & Rajnish Mishra. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2013. ISBN 13:978-93-505012-273-83. Print.
Poetry Publication:
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Divine Phonetics: Silence”, Imperfect Paintings”, Hues & Fragrances”, “Nature’s Song of Love”, AND Magazine Issue 11. Westend Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-300-64864-2. August 2021. 37-41. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Shards of Mysterious Pain” & “Postmodern Wine”, Poetry & You, Edition III, Pub Lab Academia Publixation. ISBN: 9788195247097. July 2021. 129-130. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author). “Metamorphosis”, Feminist Voices Volume II: An Anthology of Poems on Domestic Violence, Ed. Pub Notion Press (India), June 2021. ISBN:9781639576173. 74. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) "Existential Beauty" & "Harvest of Goodness". Life is Beautiful, Believe in It (Anthology), pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), January 2021. ISBN 978-93-90451-93-7. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Ploughing the Pandemic”. Agony and Ecstasy of Covid-19 (An Anthology of Pandemic Poems), pub by All India Forum for English Students, Scholars and Trainers (AIFEST), January 2021. ISBN 979-85-85821-974. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Beyond the Mist” & “The Lonely Shepherd”. Head Full of Words, pub by The Quill House, November 2020. ISBN 978-81-947383-5-0. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Visions of the Esoteric Heart” & “Pearls of Hope” “Love is the Answer” … Do It from Love not for Love, pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), September, 2020. ISBN 978-81-947959-7-1. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Knowledge in Distress” & “Enlightened”… Poetry & You: Lab Academia Publication, 2020. ISBN 978-81-936791-6-6. 53-57. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Journey Inward”& “Imprints on Time’. The Creative Launcher: An International, Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, E-Journal in English. ISSN 2455-6580. Vol I & Issue VI (February 2017) p 117-18, 122-23. Impact factor 2.3. UGC Approved (Sr. No. 62952). Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Recluse” & “The Wretched of the Earth”. Lapis Lazuli: An International Literary Journal. ISSN 2249-4529. Vol 7, No. 1 (Spring 2017) p 1-4. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Wretched Dregs of Humanity” & “Being Invisible”. Research Innovator: International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal. ISSN: 2348-7674. Vol IV, Issue II (April 2017) p 5, 15. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Wretched of the Earth” & “Search of an Island”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol II, Issue 4 (March 2017) p 638-9. Web. [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF] http://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/79.dr.qudsi-rizvi-poem.pdf
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Blood & Life” & “Estranged Passages”. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities (IJELLH). Indexed Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal. ISSN: 2321-7065. Vol V, Issue II (February 2017) p 152-154. Web. [Impact Factor: 5.27]
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Agony Underneath”, “Oblivion” & “Irrational Love”. Gnosis: An International Journal of English Language and Literature. Saikat Banerji. ISSN: 2394-0131. Vol 1, No.3 (April 2015). Print. www.thegnosisjournal.com
- Rizvi, Qudsi “In a distant land” & “Moving forward”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol 1, Issue 2 (September 2015). Web. www.tlhjournal.com [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF] http://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/42__dr_qudsi_rizvi_poems.pdf
Published Essays:
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Faith is the Answer”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Vol. III, Issue XXVI: March 2017. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Matter Party”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Issue XVII: June 2016. Web. http://ashvamegh.net/matter-party-dr-rizvi/