Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is a Central University established at National Level in 1998 by an act of Parliament. The Mandate of the University is to promote and develop the Urdu Language and to impart vocational and technical education in Urdu Medium through conventional and distance modes and to focus on Women Education and Empowerment. The headquarters of the University is at an outstanding central location-Gachibowli, Hyderabad, sprawled over 200 acres. The students and staff of the University are drawn from throughout India. They are attracted by its commitment to excellence in quality Urdu Education in all disciplines of knowledge.
The Centre for Women’s Studies, MANUU has been sanctioned by vide letter no.F.7.28/ 2002/NFE.II dated December 2004. The centre is formally functioning from 2nd April, 2005. It was inaugurated by Prof. V. N. Rajashekaran Pillai, Vice Chairman UGC. Since its inception the centre is actively engaged in teaching, training, research, extension and advocacy activities. Through these activities Centre is focusing on Empowerment of Urdu Speaking Women and spreading the Concept of Gender Equality at Community Level.
Objectives of the Centre
- To work for the empowerment of Urdu speaking women, through teaching, research, training and advocacy.
- Create space for women to come together, and work for the upliftment of Women Community
- Facilitate gender analysis on critical issues
Among all the Women’s Studies Centers sponsored by UGC, the only Centre for Women’s Studies, MANUU is specifically working for the Social, Economical & Educational Development of Urdu Speaking Women. CWS, MANUU is also Disseminating Information on Women Issues at community level in Urdu Language. The Centre is also providing opportunity to understand the concepts of Women’s Studies through its field action programmes. CWS-MANUU specially concentrating on Gender Equality Sensitization Programme and training on skill development for women at community level for the Eradication of Discrimination against women and for the participation in income generating activities
Faculties of CWS are very actively engaged in teaching M.A (Women’s Studies) and research Guidance for M. Phil & Ph.D programme offered by Department of Women Education, and also involved in promotion of Women Education in Urdu Speaking Community and also playing an important Role as a Catalyst to Control the Dropouts of Girls from the Mainstream Education System.
Centre’s main thrust area is Empirical research with an objective to highlight the issues confronting women. Many women’s contribution remains invisible, therefore the Centre is trying to highlight their contribution through its research and documentation.
Some of the Thrust Areas in which we work
- Women issues (Private and Public – with special reference to Urdu speaking women).
- Women's Education, Health, Empowerment, Rights.
- Women and Violence (Private and Public).
- Women and Literature - Feminist Critics.
- Women, Media and Information Technology.
CWS is continuously engaged in the Socio-Economic and Education Empowerment of women in slum areas, through Training and Awareness Programmes. Its objective is to provide awareness on constitutional & personal Rights of Women for their survival and prosperity.
Seminars, Symposia, Extension Lectures on Gender Issues and Workshops on Gender Sensitization and Certificate Course on “Women Studies” are the important components of the Centre. The CWS in MANUU is sincerely working towards Women Empowerment with various activities.