The Department of Sociology was started in Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in 2015 with Prof. P. H. Mohammad as its first Head of the Department (HoD). Soon, it introduced the programmes of M.A., and Ph.D and thus emerged as the most important institution for teaching and research in sociology in the entire country particularly catering to the academic pursuits of the Urdu Knowledge community. The department attracts students and research scholars from different states across the country. Drawing upon the extant social anthropological and sociological perspectives, our teaching and research have been conceptualized with an aim to develop systematic and comparative approaches to the analysis of social phenomena thus showing our engagement with pressing issues of sociological concern. Our faculty have varied experience of teaching and research and have deep engagement with central sociological issues covering modernity, technology, family, health, education, social justice, religion, poverty and development, law, crime, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, etc. The faculty have contributed immensely covering the areas like marginal groups, health, education, etc., through research projects undertaken by them. The study on “Muslims in South India” sanctioned by the ICSSR-Sponsored Research Programme and conducted by Prof. P. H. Mohammad as well as the other projects sponsored by the SSA, Andhra Pradesh and SSA Telangana, etc., are only a few to mention here. Also the department is privileged to host a series of other academic events including two national level conferences/symposiums and a number of invited talks/lectures within a short span of time after it is started. It attracted eminent and top most sociologists of the time such as Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed, Prof. Jacob George Kattakayam, Prof. M.A. Kalam, Prof. Sujata Patel, Prof. Geetha Nambissan, Prof. S. Srinivasa Rao, Prof. G. Nagaraju, Prof. Aparna Rayaprolu, Prof. N. Purendra Prasad, etc., and a squadron of other young sociologists.
- Programs offered:
Sociology as a pass course at UG
M.A in Sociology
Ph.D in Sociology
Post Doctoral Studies
- Research/Thrust Areas
Sociology of Development
Social Change and Development
Sociology of health and medicine
Sociology of education,
Sociology of Marginalization, social Exclusion and Inclusion
- Major achievements:
The faculty have contributed immensely to the research through their research projects undertaken in the areas of education, empowerment, marginalization, etc.
Sociology 4 Dr. K. M. ZiyauddinThe department of Sociology is on its surge and has seen a considerable growth in the past few years with an enriched contribution of the faculty to the teaching and research. Since its inception and keeping-in the mandate of the MANUU Act, the core concern of the department is to impart the sociological knowledge/training to the learners of sociology in Urdu medium and thus anticipates transferring Sociological literature into Urdu medium benefitting the large contingent of Urdu speaking population in India. With this it aspires to take Sociology closer to the door step of the people from diverse socio-cultural, linguistic backgrounds. The department takes special care in teaching and research and to promote talents among its students. Also the faculty and staff shows utmost interest to make the passed out students to settle in their career. We look forward to reach the unreached areas of the country motivating them to join the department and nurture their academic interests. I acknowledge my gratitude and thanks to all my staff for their support and encouragement in planning and implementing the activities of the department. I wish the students, faculty and non-teaching staff of the department all success.