The Al Beruni Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy was established in May 2007 at Maulana Azad National Urdu University – Hyderabad. Its’ key objectives include contextualizing and problematizing, while conceptualizing, the exclusion and inclusion existed on the lines of caste/ethnicity and religion, in the society. It also plays a key role in suggesting policy formulations aiming at eradicating the problem of social exclusion and discrimination and protecting the rights of these groups. The Centre has acclaimed its’ existence as one of the few such Centres started in India following the UGC’s initiative to establish and promote the Centres for study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy during X Plan. Its’ activities include, teaching, research and action oriented programmes in collaboration with the reputed bodies and institutions working in the areas of social development among the socially excluded groups.
Evidence in the social history suggests that the social exclusion on the basis of caste, race, religion, gender, etc., generates tension, violence and disruption within a given social structure. A form of alienation where in certain social groups are denied from accessing to the resources - perpetuating inequality and deprivation in society - the systemic exclusion experienced by the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and religious minorities in India is one example of social exclusion. It draws special attention and requires focusing upon at the present juncture. In this regard, it is the institutions of higher learning which can address the problem of social exclusion by studying, understanding and transcending the phenomena for policy evolutions on the issues concerning the social exclusion. These kinds of centres will bring together diverse individuals, groups, and institutions to help in understanding the causes and consequences of social exclusion, and suggest remedies to fully include the excluded communities in the process of modernization and development of the country.
The Centre at MANUU aims at studying the nature, extent and forms of social exclusion among some selective socially excluded groups, especially Muslim groups and suggesting theoretical and policy formulations in this regard. The centre’s key objectives include conceptualizing discrimination, exclusion and inclusion based on caste/ethnicity and religion; developing understanding of the nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion; developing an understanding of discrimination at an empirical level; formulating policies for protecting the rights of these groups and eradicating the problem of exclusion and discrimination. The thrust areas of the Centre are to study religious minorities with specific focus upon the Muslims as a socially excluded group, exclusion of Urdu speaking population, and to study the other excluded groups such as Dalits and tribal communities. In the year 2014, Centre’s name was rechristened in the name of Al Beruni (973-1043), the great medieval scholar and historian who worked extensively on Indian social systems and diversity.
Aims: Study the nature, extent and forms of social exclusion among socially excluded groups, build theoretical framework and suggest policy formulations.
Conceptualizing discrimination, exclusion and inclusion based on caste/ethnicity and religion.
Developing understanding of the nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion.
Developing an understanding of discrimination at an empirical level.
Formulating policies for protecting the rights of these groups and eradicating the problem of exclusion and discrimination.
Thrust Area: Studying religious minorities with specific focus upon the Muslims and other excluded groups such as Dalits and Tribal communities.