From the Incharge's Desk
The NCC is a responsive, learning and continuously evolving organization. It encourages cadets to have a sense of patriotic commitment, to contribute to national development, respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat. To instill a sense of national unity, social cohesion, ability to participate in community development and other social programmes. It also inculcates the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work. It exposes cadets to a regimented way of life which is essential for inculcating the values of discipline, dutifulness, punctuality, orderliness, smartness, respect for rightful authority, good and correct work ethos and self-confidence. The National Cadet Corps is a youth development movement. It has enormous potential for nation building. The NCC provides opportunities to the youth of the country for their all-round development with a sense of Duty, Commitment, Dedication, Discipline and Moral Values so that they become able leaders and useful citizens. The NCC provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities, with a distinct emphasis on Social Services, Discipline and Adventure Training. The NCC is open to all regular students of the colleges on a voluntary basis. The students have no liability for active military service.