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MANUU to hold Two day event on Maulana Azad
Maulana Azad Chair and Department of Mass Communication and Journalism (MCJ), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is organising a two day event on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad on August 17 & 18, 2023.
According to Prof. Ehtesham Ahmad Khan, Dept of MCJ & programme convenor, Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice-Chancellor will Preside over the Inaugural Session on August 17, 2023, 11:00 AM at Central Library Auditorium. Prof. Syed Irfan Habib, formerly with Maulana Azad Chair, NUEPA, New Delhi will be Chief Guest. Dr. Shaunna Rodrigues, Early Career Fellow, Columbia University, USA, Prof. Aziz Bano, Dean, School of Languages, Linguistic & Indilogy and Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Registrar will be the Guests of Honour.
According to Prof. Syed Imtiaz Hasnain, Chair-Professor Maulana Azad, MANUU, the Extension Lectures will also be part of the programme. Prof. Syed Irfan Habib will speak on ‘Maulana Azad: A Life in Struggle for a Composite and Pluralist India’ and Dr. Shaunna Rodrigues will talk about ‘Azad's Anti colonialism: World making, Non-Secular Progress, and Self-Respect in a Deeply Diverse India’ at 12.30 pm & 3.30 pm respectively at same venue.
‘Meet the Author’ session will be held on 18th August, 2023, 9.30 am at Central Library Auditorium. The ‘Discussants’ will deliberate on Prof. Syed Irfan Habib’s book "Maulana Azad: A Life".
MANUU awards PhD to Sajid Mumtaz
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has declared Mr. Sajid Mumtaz, S/o Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed qualified in Doctor of Philosophy in Urdu. He worked on the topic "Urdu Ghazal ke Alamati Nizam ka Tanqeedi Tajzia, 1960-1980” (A Critical Analysis of Symbolism in Urdu Ghazal, 1960-1980) under the supervision of Prof. Shamshul Hoda, Department of Urdu. The viva-voce was held on 04th July 2023.