Students & Researchers should work for economic and social development - Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Prof. Salil Misra delivers Azad Memorial Lecture at MANUU
It is the responsibility of the student community and researchers to work for the economic and social development of the country. Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Hon’ble Minister of State for Education, GoI expressed these views while addressing at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) today. He was invited as the chief guest on the occasion of Azad Memorial Lecture organized in connection with National Education Day and to mark the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
Dr. Subhash Sarkar while quoting Maulana Azad's historic sayings "If you live only for yourself, it means you are a living corpse for your nation" urged students to pledge to proof that they are humans and not a living corpse by serving humanity.
Describing Maulana Azad as versatile personality, Union Education Minister said that services of Maulana Azad in building strong educational structure of Independent India will never be forgotten as he is one of the key founder of educational bodies such as UGC, AICTE,CSIR, ICCR in India. Maulana Azad is one of the thinkers and intellectuals who paved the way to ensure equal development for all by popularizing education and his vision was for the educational development of the nation. Today MANUU has become a practical interpretation of his dreams, said Dr. Subhas Sarkar. He expressed his happiness that Urdu University is providing education both through regular and distance mode to quench the thirst of knowledge of thousands of students through Urdu language.
Talking about NEP 2020, the Minister explained that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's new education policy is aimed at training energetic young generation. Promotion of Indian Languages is the main priority of GoI under NEP 2020. It has been recognized as important means to provide easily accessible quality education. NEP 2020 advocates for teaching in mother tongue or local languages which MANUU is doing, he said.
Earlier, Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor in his welcome speech thanked Dr. Subhash Sarkar for being supportive and hoped that this will continue.
Prof. Salil Misra, former Vice Chancellor, BR Ambedkar University, New Delhi delivered the Lecture “Maulana Azad and Making of Modern India”. He described Maulana as the architect of modern India in various contexts. Prof. Mishra dispelled misconceptions about Azad's contributions, emphasising his focus on national unity and culture. He shed light on Azad's anti-imperialist stance and his pivotal role in shaping India's educational narrative.
Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Registrar while appreciating the lecture said that Prof. Salil Misra gave a comprehensive lecture on the personality of Maulana Azad highlighting various aspects of Maulana's life.
Prof. Syed Alim Ashraf Jaisi, Chairperson, Azad Day Celebrations proposed vote of thanks. Prof. Imtiaz Hasnain, Professor-Azad Chair, MANUU delivered closing remarks. Prof. M.A. Sami Siddiqui convened the programme.