- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed et al, Gender Sensitive Teaching-A Manual for Educators, Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, United States Consulate, USIEF Hyderabad, 2022.
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Histories, Regions, Nodes: Essays for Rattan Lal Hangloo, published by Primus Books, New Delhi, April 2017. ISBN: 978-93-84092-83-2 (Edited with an Introduction)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, History of India (600-1500) for universities in West Bengal published by Dorling Kindersley India licensees of Pearson in South Asia, New Delhi, 2012. ISBN: 978-81-317-8997-1 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, History of India (1500-1800) for universities in West Bengal published by Dorling Kindersley India licensees of Pearson in South Asia, New Delhi, 2012. ISBN: 978-81-317-8926-1 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, History of India (600-1500) for universities in Odisha published by Dorling Kindersley India licensees of Pearson in South Asia, New Delhi, 2012. ISBN:978-81-317-8931-5 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, History of India (1500-1800) for universities in Odisha published by Dorling Kindersley India licensees of Pearson in South Asia, New Delhi, 2012. ISBN: 978-81-317-8932-2 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, A Comprehensive History of Medieval India published by Longman an imprint of Pearson, 2011. ISBN: 978-81-317-3202-1 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Multicultural Dimensions of Medieval Deccan published by Sundeep Prakashan, New Delhi, 2008. ISBN: 81-7574-193-7 (Sole Author)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Islam and the Mughal State published by Sundeep Prakashan, New Delhi, 2005. ISBN:81-7574-158-9 (Sole Author)
Journal/Research Articles:
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, article review of Sayan Lodh’s The Taj Mahal-a Symbol of Eternal Love? published by www.academia.edu, 27th July 2021 (Internet edition)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Hyderabad – A Beacon of Composite Culture in TRC Journal of Telangana Studies, April-June 2019, pp. 22-29, Hyderabad: Telangana Resource Centre (ISBN awaited)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, titled Composite Religious Influences in the Nizam’s Dominions, 39th Annual session of South Indian History Congress at Osmania University, February 2019, pp. 92-101, Hyderabad: South Indian History Congress
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Dakhni Culture, Nartanam - A Quarterly Journal of Indian Dance, Vol: XVI, No.4 October-December 2016, pp.153-158 Hyderabad: Sahrdaya Arts Trust ISSN: 2455-7250
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Horizontal Linkage of States through Matrimony in Medieval Deccan, Journal of Islamic History and Culture in India, 2015, pp.40-48, Dept of Islamic History and Culture, University of Calcutta. (ISSN: 2347-8187)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Deccan Studies-An Emerging Trend in the Indian Higher Education System Special Issue of Association of Indian Universities (AIU) 16th February 2014 pp.83-88, New Delhi. (ISSN: 0566-2257)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Equality on All Fronts, Broadsheet on Contemporary Politics, Vol. 2 No. 2&3 (Quarterly), December 2013, pp.9-10, Hyderabad: Anveshi, (ISSN: 2278-3423)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Fiscal Infrastructure of Golconda INTACH Heritage Annual, Ed. by Anuradha Reddy and Sajjad Shahid, April 2013, pp.48-49, Hyderabad: INTACH
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Book review of A Song of Hyderabad by Bilquis Jehan Khan, Oxford University Press, Karachi, 2010, Journal of Deccan Studies, Vol.X, No.1, Jan-June 2012, pp.117-121 ISSN: 0973-2292
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The Growth of Hyderabad as an Urban Tourism Hub, Tourism and Hospitality: Opportunities and Trends, December 2010, pp.1-5, Hyderabad: NITHM
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Education – A Road to Modernity or Jahiliya? Islam and the Modern Age, Vol XXXVIII No. 3, Zakir Hussain Foundation Series, August 2007, pp.67-96, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. (ISSN: 0021-1826)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Sketches of Golconda Fort Special Issue of Teaching South Asia, 2006, University of Dakota, USA, Online Edition (ISSN: 1529-8558)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Towards a Stylistics in Historical Writing, ICFAI Journal of English Studies, June 2006, pp.31-39, Hyderabad: ICFAI University. (ISSN: 0973-3728)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Land Revenue Pattern under the Qutb Shahis, Agrarian Conditions in Andhra Desa 17th-18th Centuries, 1997, pp. 44-57, Hyderabad: DRS/SAP seminar.
Chapters in Books:
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Music and Dance Traditions in Medieval Deccan, Dance in Telangana, August 2021, pp.1-17, Hyderabad: Telangana State Sangeet Natak Akademi (ISBN:978-8195-226368)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Bahmani: Deccan, Islamic History and Civilization in South Asia, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture IRCICA Istanbul Turkey, 2020, pp.136-142 ISBN:978-92-9063-079-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Adil Shahis: Bijapur, Islamic History and Civilization in South Asia, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture IRCICA Istanbul Turkey, 2020, pp.174-180 ISBN:978-92-9063-079-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Nizam Shahis: Ahmednagar, Islamic History and Civilization in South Asia, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture IRCICA Istanbul Turkey, 2020, pp. 181-187 ISBN:978-92-9063-079-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Qutb Shahis: Golconda, Islamic History and Civilization in South Asia, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture IRCICA Istanbul Turkey, 2020, pp.193-202 ISBN:978-92-9063-079-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Asaf Jahis: Hyderabad, Islamic History and Civilization in South Asia, OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture IRCICA Istanbul Turkey, 2020, pp.301-312 ISBN:978-92-9063-079-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Imperial gift giving at the Qutb Shahi Court, “Telangana through Ages: Perspectives from Early and Medieval period” January 2019, pp.162-167, Hyderabad: Department of Heritage, Government of Telangana ISBN:978-81-940550-2-0
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Sources for the History of Qutb Shahis, in Sources of History and Culture of Telugu Speaking People 5000 BCE to 2016 CE edited by Vakulabharanam Ramakrishna, Emesco Books, Hyderabad, 2018, pp.211-245. (ISBN: 978-93-86763-44-0)
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Reviewing Gender Relations in Mughal Society, Status of Women in Indian Society, Centre for Women’s Studies, Puroshottam Publishers Kolkata, July 2016, pp.29-32 ISSN:978-93-85908-56-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Social System under the Asaf Jahis in ed. volume VI, Early Modern Andhra, Hyderabad and Company Rule 1724-1857, Emesco Books, Hyderabad, 2015, pp.297-310. ISBN: 978-93-85829-32-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Religious Sects and Composite Culture under the Asaf Jahis in ed. volume VI, Early Modern Andhra, Hyderabad and Company Rule 1724-1857 Emesco Books, Hyderabad, 2015, pp.322-337 ISBN: 978-93-85829-32-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Reconstructing Valour of Women from Ancient to Modern Times, Women’s Empowerment and Power Equity: A Challenge to 21st Century India, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Kalyani, 2015, pp.18-23 ISBN: 978-93-82229-96-4
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Hazrath Hussain Shah Wali:A Link between Spiritual and Political Traditions of the Age in Studies in Medieval Deccan History 14th to 17th Century Dr.M.A.Nayeem festschrift edited by Syed Ayub Ali, ICHR and Deccan History Society, 2015, pp.196-200
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The Bahmanis of Gulbarga and Bidar in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V- Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp. 87-97 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Mughal Rule in the Deccan in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V- Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp. 110-119 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Polity in Andhra under Bahmanis, Adil Shahis, Qutb Shahis and Mughals (1324 -1724) in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V- Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp.158-171 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Agrarian Conditions of Qutb Shahi Rule in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V- Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp.195-199 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Islam and its various streams in the Deccan (1324-1724) in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V - Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp.410-428 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Dakhni Culture in the Comprehensive History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh, Volume V- Late Medieval Andhra Pradesh AD 1324–1724 Edited by R. Soma Reddy, Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2014, pp.586-592 ISBN: 978-93-82381-38-9
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Power of Fortification: Daulatabad Fort published in Studies in Indian History Festschrift to Prof. Adapa Satyanarayana ed. by K. Arjun Rao, published by Research India Press (RIP) New Delhi, August 2013, pp.333-344, ISBN: 978-81-89131-66-1
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Presidential address titled Deccan’s Culture-A Symbol of Multiculturalism, Andhra Pradesh History Congress at Kurnool on 4th-5th January 2009 published as conference proceedings, pp.62-68
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Impact of the Qutb Shahi, Mughal and Asaf Jahi Rule on the East Godavari District, Centre for the Study of History and Culture of East Godavari District, Kakinada, 2008, pp.82-85
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The Development of Wahhabism as a Political Ideology in Saudi Arabia, edited book by Prof.A Murali and Prof.R.L.Hangloo titled New Themes in History published by Black & White Imprint, New Delhi, January 2007, pp. 539-564, ISBN: 81-89320-15-7
Media Articles:
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The Adventures of Emperor Jahangir's Great Golden Coin, The Times of India, editorial page, 29th June 2022
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, In response to Majid’s contention, historian Farooqui says she never advocated change of Fateh Maidan name, 27th December 2021, www.siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The pain and glory of Hyderabad’s Fateh Maidan, 13th December 2021, www.siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Kashmir—Before the Accession and After; Hangloo writes can did account of troubled State, 20th November, 2021, Siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Constitutional federalism: A mark of respect for Hyderabad State, 13th November 2021, Siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, A graveyard of history, literally, lies uncared in Hyderabad; represents 2 kingdoms, 29 September 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Along with titles pouring in from the British, loyalty of the Nizams grew with the Empire, 11th September 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Nizam’s Cedars Palace in Ooty lies in tatters and legal tangles, July 17, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, The fascinating ‘Black Pouches’ of Bibi ka Alam, June 13, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Paradise Gardens–Their Islamic and Indic versions are still thriving on earth, April 2, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Is the Charminar-Charkaman Central Square incomplete without the palaces? June 3, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Where have the Cistern-Fountains of Charminar-Charkaman been shifted? Or have they been destroyed? May 26, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Kohinoor is sailing in the same boat as Bhagmati, so to speak, March 9, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Celebrating Death: Mausoleums keep public memory alive, February 24, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, An unusual ode to Qutb Shahi tombs from a British poetess who never visited Golconda, January 19, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Khilat—A robe of honour or weapon to kill, January 9, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Akbar was first Emperor to inhale Portuguese tobacco thru hubble-bubble, August 21, 2020, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Paradise Gardens–Their Islamic and Indic versions are still thriving on earth, April 2, 2021, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Hyderabad State’s tryst with Colonial Culture, July 8, 2020, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, How calendars have been fixed, re-fixed over centuries, June 23, 2020 siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Diamond trade lured Persians and Turkic people to Deccan, May 26, 2020, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Indo-Islamic poetry: Quranic view of Cosmos - Part II, April 25, 2020, siasat.com
- Farooqui, Salma Ahmed, Indo-Islamic poetry sensitively tackles Cosmology and Paradise - Part I, April 24, 2020, siasat.com