MANUU’s Regular courses Admissions
June 10 last date for entrance based courses
Online admissions for entrance based regular courses of Maulana Azad National Urdu University are open till June 10, 2020.
The e-prospectus and online application forms are available on the University website manuu.edu.in.
Entrance based courses includes all PhD courses beside MBA; M.Tech(CS); MCA; B.Tech.; M.Ed.; B.Ed.; D.El.Ed.
The entrance based courses includes all Ph.D. corses beside B.Tech & M.Tech (Computer Science), MCA, MBA, M.Ed, B.Ed, D.El.Ed and Polytechnic Diploma in (Engineering-Civil, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Information Technology, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics).
Ph.D. is being offered in Urdu, English, Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Translation Studies; Women Studies, Public Administration, Political Science, Social Work, Islamic Studies, History, Economics, Sociology; Education; Journalism & Mass Communication; Management, Commerce, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science & SEIP.
The admissions in regular courses is available at Hyderabad headquarters, Lucknow and Srinagar (J&K) campuses and 8 colleges of Teacher Education and 5 Polytechnics spread in different parts of the country
Admissions for merit based courses will continue till August 10, 2020.
For details or any clarifications, please write to Directorate of Admissions at email - admissionsregular@manuu.edu.in or visit University website manuu.edu.in.
Non local students of MANUU CTE Srinagar to return home soon
The arrangements for the repatriation of non local students of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, College of Teacher Education, Srinagar are in the final stages.
According to Dr. Tarique Ahmad Masoodi, Incharge Principal, CTE Srinagar the university has appointed him as coordinator to oversee the arrangements in this regard. He has constituted a 5 members committee. I/c Prinicpal has approched the Nodal Officer Govt. Of Kashmir, for Covid 19 Management Dr. Tahir Mohiuddin (KAS) on May 12. In turn Dr. Tahir Mohiuddin has referred the issue of return of 34 students mostly from Bihar to the additional Commissioner, Kashmir. Additional Commissioner is cooperating fully and assured that the students will be sent back very soon.
Dr. Tarique Masoodi, further informed that the Nodal Officer of Kashmir has contacted his counter part from Bihar and expressed hope that the stranded students will be sent back soon. He made it clear that till date no non local has been repatriated from Kashmir during the ongoing crisis.
Among the 46 non local students at Srinagar CTE, 12 have preferred to stay back. Dr. Tarique Masoodi has thanked university administration especially Prof. Ayub Khan, I/c VC and Prof. S M Rahmathullah, I/c Registrar for their guidance and timely help.
Superannuation of Joint Registrar, MANUU, Dr. M K Vairagi’s
Joint Registrar of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Vairagi, is retiring on Superannuation on May 31, 2020.
Prof. Ayub Khan, Vice-Chancellor I/c, MANUU presented a shawl and appreciated his dedicated services to the University today on his last day in office. He also conveyed best wishes to the outgoing official. Prof. S. M. Rahmatullah, Registrar I/c also spoke very high about Dr. Vairagi and his tenure at MANUU.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Vairagi joined MANUU as Assistant Registrar on 9th May 2002. Prior to joining MANUU he served in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for 17 years. Dr. Vairagi has successfully completed 39 years of cumulative services. In a brief felicitation held at VC’s Chamber, with all precautions in the wake of Covid-19, Mr. M G Gunasekaran, Finance Officer and Mr. Mohd. Hashim Ali Sajid, Deputy Registrar were also present.
Earlier, Mr. Mohammed Mujahid Ali, President, MANUU Administrative Officers Association and other office bearers also felicitated the out going official.
MANUU PR 29.5.2020.pdf