Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 11:39
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.3 IT integration and reforms in the examination procedures and processes (continuous internal assessment and end-semester assessment) have brought in considerable improvement in examination management system of the institution

The University is striving hard to bring the Examination Reforms by means of improving Examinations procedures, integrating tools of Information Technology (IT) and by incorporating continuous Internal Evaluation Component with higher weightage. The University has a well established and efficient Examination Management System Called ‘Integrated University Management System’ (iUMS) is an in-house software developed by CIT, MANUU for maintaining staff and students related records and data online, to extend services to various stake holders of the University at their finger tips.The main function of iUMS is to store entire data on its own local server and also on cloud securely.Also, to render services related to various important phases of curricular and non curricular activities of students life at University.

Examination Procedures:

The University runs the courses through Regular Mode (Semester system) and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode (Annual System), which is proposed to synchronize to Semester System only with effect from academic year 2019-20 (50%) and 2020-21(100%) of ODL courses. Before Commencement of these examinations the respective departments / college / center, completing the process of awarding (CIE) in the form of class test, Assignments and seminars presentation etc, and the awarded marks to be uploaded on (iUMS) by the concerned faculty members with their own Login ID and Password to bring more transparency & security. Student securing minimum 40% marks in CIE (55 % in case of Ph.D. course work) along with minimum of 75% attendance components as prescribed by the University are eligible / qualified to appear Semester End Examinations (SEE). However students securing more than 75% attendance in theoretical papers are given weightage of attendance according to prescribed five (5) categories, and maximum of such mark are 5% of total marks that awarded accordingly. The students failing in attaining minimum CIE& Practical marks of any course are not allowed to appear in SEE of that course and he/she has to reappear as backlog in both CIE and Practical in the subsequent odd / even SEE, to attain minimum eligibility criteria then permitted to appear for SEE.Post Examination activities includes, Evaluation of Answer scripts is carried out at respective Department / College / Center for Regular mode and at Central Evaluation centre, Head Quarter for ODL mode with a team of approved Evaluators then answer scripts are Securitized and Moderated as per norms of the University.

As an examination reform and to incorporate objectivity, transparency and fairness, the University has adopted showing of Answer Script, after each SEE and before publication of results. For this, some approved procedural steps are defined and followed through a prior notification to strengthen the confidence and reliance; and to bring more transparency and satisfaction of students in the examination system. Also to improve the teaching learning process in general and quality of evaluations in particular,that minimizes the grievances received from the students. Consequent upon completions of moderations,the Answer Scripts are shown to the desiring students with maintaining their attendance records, If students found some Grievance after observing the answer scripts, then they are allowed to register a grievance with EGRC and apply for revaluation as per standard Procedure, and then results are processed with the help by iUMS Software.

University has a well-established & efficient Examination management system where processes related to Pre Examinations, conduct of examinations, declaration of results & awards of degrees are controlled& monitored by the central examination branch together with the faculty members & officers of examination branch.

Criterion-II–Teaching-Learning-and-Evaluation collapse23 Evaluation-Process-and-Reforms