MANUU has stated all its learning outcomes/graduate attributes through its website. Each Department which offers any programme of study displays on its webpage, the programmes offered, programme objectives, programme specific objectives, the course structure, and the syllabus. The syllabus prominently displays the course objectives and course outcomes. The syllabus also provides information about scheme of instruction and evaluation.
MANUU has devised and revised all its educational programmes to include graduate attributes so when a student graduates they are equipped with discipline knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, communication skills, and digital capability. The syllabi of programmes on offer are the testimony to whatever is stated. The revision of the syllabus, and the incorporation of new subjects in line with the market requirements suggest how MANUU has prioritized discipline knowledge as first and foremost in learning outcomes and graduate attributes.
Generic Courses
Each programme provides the students to choose from generic courses, which are precisely offered to expand the knowledge circumference of the student and to initiate them into interdisciplinary fields. This ingredient is expected to enhance critical thinking of students.
Communication Skills
MANUU provides all its students the opportunity to learn effective communication skills. This is done first through offering communication skills programmes in their course itself, and secondly by arranging short term communication skill courses. In this connection in 2018 and 2019, Courses in English Communication Skills were offered in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate, Hyderabad, which appointed a course teacher. Simultaneously, MANUU also offers proficiency courses and certificate courses to all its non-Urdu speaking students. In fact in this way, every graduate of MANUU possesses good communication skills in at least two languages, namely Urdu and English.
The course structure and syllabus of each programme provides scheme of instruction, and scheme of evaluation. If a course is of four credit, it is necessarily required to have four units and each unit must be taught for minimum of 15 hours, making a 4 credit course, carrying 60 hours of instruction. Internal or continuous evaluation is allocated 30 marks and end semester evaluation is allocated 70 marks. Marks are converted in to grades, and the conversion table is provided in course structure.
Besides the course outcomes, the syllabus structure of every course carries a ‘course objective’ which sums up what is expected in terms of learning outcomes from the student at the end, in that course. Whereas, the programme specific outcomes of every programme in general manifest the learning outcomes of each programme, the course objective carries learning outcomes related to any given course of a given programme.
MANUU through its initiative of display and discussion of answer script has been innovative in strengthening its strategy of estimation of learning outcomes. After displaying the answer scripts to the students, the teachers’ discussion with the students lead to the students’ understanding of what is expected of them and what have they achieved. This practice in reality can be labeled as ‘assessment plus’.
Weblink for the syllabi of all the programmes
Weblink for generic courses
Weblink for the revision of syllabus