Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 11:46
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.2 Attainment of Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution

The University has a system in place for measuring the levels of attainment of course outcomes, programme specific outcomes and programme outcomes.

Attainment of the Course Outcomes

The course outcomes is measured through syllabus, completion of syllabus, continuous evaluation (internal evaluation), setting up of question paper, evaluation, and result.

At the Departmental level the Heads of the Department and the teachers who are engaged in any class strive to complete the courses in time and in some cases extra classes are conducted for the students who they identify as relatively average. The 75 percent of compulsory attendance to qualify for writing the examination of the courses is adhered to, to ensure students participation in the class. The attendance is also tied with marks. In the iUMS of the teacher complete data of the students who are taking that teacher’s course is provided, so that the teacher can keep apprising the student about their progress. The continuous evaluation is done through tests, quizzes, written assignments, presentation of papers, oral presentations, field work and so on. The end semester examination of every course is based on written examination of three hours, the question paper of which is required to test the knowledge of the student from every unit prescribed for study.

Attainment of the Programme Specific Outcomes

The programme specific outcomes is measured by taking the aggregate result of all courses in a given programme of an individual student, and then the average performance of all the students in a given programme.

Attainment of the Programme Outcomes

The general programme outcomes for PhD programmes all across the disciplines of study in the University are that the scholars make contribution to the existing body of knowledge by discovery, innovation, problem solving, establishing of new perspective etc. The number of students completed PhD and MPhil research during the period of assessment is an evidence of the attainment of the programme outcomes.

At the Post Graduate level and Undergraduate levels, the attainment of programme outcomes is measured through students’ progress to higher studies, either in MANUU or in any higher educational institution in India or abroad. Another, measurement of attainment is students’ placement in companies and institutions.

The feedback system of different stakeholders which is in place in the University helps it to measure and reckon the attainment of the programme outcomes. The online student feedback system provides information pertaining to the relevance of the course, availability of the course material, and course’s importance in terms of employability and so on which are pertinent questions and which help the University measures its learning outcomes.

The University has also utilized student satisfaction survey developed by NAAC (for conducting it during assessment and accreditation process). MANUU used this to seek feedback on its own, for measuring the attainment level of course, and programme outcomes. This is shared through MANUU IQAC webpage to all stakeholders so that they remain informed of the virtues and shortcomings in teaching learning and accomplishments.

Question Papers

Weblink of Placement

Progression into higher programme links 

Web Link for Feedback (Alumni, Parent etc)

Criterion-II–Teaching-Learning-and-Evaluation collapse27 Student-Performance-and-Learning-Outcomes Attainment of Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and course outcomes