Submitted by MSQURESHI on Tue, 06/16/2020 - 19:02
2 1 Press Releases : June 16, 2020 PressRelease

Prof Ayub Khan leaves MANUU Prof. Fatima Begum new I/c VC

Prof. Ayub Khan, has relinquished the post of Vice-Chancellor (in-Charge) of Maulana Azad National Urdu University today.  Prof. Fatima Begum (Department of Education and Training), the senior most Professor, has taken the charge from him.

According to Prof. S. M. Rahmatullah, Registrar I/c, MANUU, Prof. Ayub Khan is relieved from Incharge Vice-Chancellorship on personal grounds to join back his parent department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islami, New Delhi.

Addressing a brief farewell held in his honor at the conference hall, Prof. Ayub Khan recalled the memorable days spent in MANUU. He also thanked teachers, students and non-teaching officials and staff for extending their extraordinary cooperation during his short stint.

Prof. S. M. Rahmatullah, presented a memento and a shawl to the out going official. Prof. Naseemuddin Farees, Prof. Alim Ashraf Jaisi, Prof. Naushad Alam, Prof. Ehtesham Ahmad Khan, Prof. Mohd Zafaruddin, Prof. M. Vanaja, Prof. Abdul Wahid, Prof. Afroz Alam, Dr. Akhtar Parvez, Dr. Mohammad Kamil and Mr. Mohd Hashim Ali Sajid while addressing the gathering appreciated the outstanding services rendered by Prof. Ayub Khan and conveyed best wishes to him.

Prof. Ayub Khan joined MANUU on 27th March, 2019 as Pro Vice-Chancellor. He was working as Incharge Vice-Chancellor since February, 28, 2020 succeeding Dr. Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz.

Meanwhile, the office bearers of MANUU Employees Welfare Association under the leadership of Mr. Shaik Mohiuddin, President also felicitated Prof. Ayub Khan.

Prof. Khan is an Eminent academician, mathematician and an expert of dynamical systems and chaos control. He did his M.Sc., Ph.D. in mathematics from University of Delhi.



MANUU PR 16.6.2020.pdf