MANUU revised timeline for online admissions
August 24 last date for Entrance based courses
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has revised the time line for admissions in regular courses for the academic year 2020-21 in view of the on going Pandemic situation.
According to a notification issued by the Registrar I/c the revised last date for entrance based courses is 24th August 2020, whereas the last date for merit based courses has been extended till 30th September. The revised scheduled date for conducting the Entrance test will be September 19 and 20. The entrance test results will be announced on September 30.
Earlier, the extended last date for submitting online applications for entrance based courses ended on July 10 and merit based admission date was August 10.
According to Prof. M. Vanaja, Director, Directorate of Admissions, the admissions dates has been revised keeping in view the current situation of COVID-19 in some states of India and due to the addendums to the earlier notifications issued.
The addendums include the revised eligibility criteria relating to Urdu qualification for admissions into different courses in MANUU , Madrasa Programmes considered for admission into MA Translation and all MA programmes of Social Sciences except Social Work and the amended eligibility qualification for admission in MCA program as prescribed by the AICTE. Details of addendums are available on University website.
Online application forms are also available on University website for admissions in entrance based courses such as B.Tech (Computer Science), M.Tech (Computer Science), MBA, MCA, BEd, M.Ed., D.El.Ed., Polytechnic Diplomas and Ph.D programmes. For detailed list of merit based courses visit website manuu.edu.in.