Webinar in connection with Teacher’s Day at MANUU
The School of Education and Training (DE&T), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is organizing a webinar on “Changing role of Teachers in the light of new Education Policy-20” on 7th September, 2020, 11.00 am in connection with Teacher’s Day.
Prof. Chand Kiran Saluja, Director, Sanskrit Promotion Foundation, New Delhi and Dr. Abdul Karim Ab. Majeed Salar, IQRA Education Society, Jalgaon, Maharashtra will deliver special lectures. Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice-Chancellor I/c will preside over the webinar. Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood, Registrar I/c will present introductory speech and welcome the guests.
Six retired teachers of MANUU will also be honoured and their recorded messages will be webcast during the Webinar.
The webinar will be organized on Zoom and will also be available on MANUU’s Instructional Media Centre Youtube Channel.
Meanwhile, all students, faculty and non-teaching staff can express their gratitude towards their favourite teachers by contributing on social media platforms in hashtag campaign, #ourteachersourheroes and #teachersfromindia, run by UGC, New Delhi tomorrow 5th September as part of Teacher’s Day celebration.
MANUU awards Ph.D. to Hamid Mohiuddin
Maulana Azad National Urdu University has declared Mr. Syed Hamid Mohiuddin Quadri, son of Mr. Syed Mohammed Quadri qualified in Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies. He has worked on the topic "Talent Management in Telecom Sector - A Study of Select Organizations" under the supervision of Dr. Syed Khaja Safiuddin, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management and Commerce, MANUU. His Viva-Voce was conducted on 25.08.2020. Mr. Hamid Mohiuddin served as guest faculty in MANUU Polytechnic Hyderabad.