Submitted by MSQURESHI on Fri, 10/09/2020 - 16:04
PRO Office Image Press Release : Oct 09, 2020 PressRelease

Webinar on “Spirit of NEP” today at MANUU

Maulana Azad National Urdu University is going to organise a national webinar “Sprit of National Education Policy-2020” on October 10, 2020.

The chief guest and keynote speaker, Prof. V S Prasad, Former VC, BRAOU will be addressing on the topic “NEP 2020 - An integrated approach to MANUU” in the inaugural session tomorrow at 10.30 am. Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c will preside over.

The objective of the webinar is to understand vision, to identify challenges in the implementation and to prepare roadmap for MANUU in the light of of NEP 2020.

The program will be live on IMC MANUU YouTube Channel, click link

According to Prof. Saneem Fatima, Dean, SC&BM and Academic Affairs, MANUU and Convener webinar, Prof. Mohamad Akhtar Siddiqui, Dean, Faculty of Education, JMI, Prof. Ramesh Ghanta, Designated Professor, Dept. of E & T and member NCTE, Prof. S M I A Zaidi, Head, Dept of Educ. & Planning, NIEPA and Prof. V Venkaiah, Former VC, Krishna  University will deliver lectures in four different technical sessions.

Prof. S M Rahmatullah will be the chief patron and Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood, Registrar I/c will be the patron of the webinar.

MANUU PR - 9.10.2020.pdf