After Character, Health Matters Most: Prof. Rahmatullah Webinar on Physical Fitness and Yoga held at MANUU
After good character, health matters most. Good Health is precious for human life. Stay healthy and do the best. These are the views expressed by Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice-Chancellor I/c, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in the inaugural session of One Day National Webinar “Importance of Physical Fitness and Yoga During the Pandemic Situation” held yesterday by Directorate of Physical Education and Sports, MANUU.
Around 2200 participants registered for the Webinar.
Prof. Rahmatullah said that when it comes to yoga is about human health and its purpose is to keep a person physically and mentally fit. Where various things are necessary in development of any country, Yoga is also asset as it has a direct relation with health and a healthy person can contribute in Nation building, he remarked.
Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood, Registrar I/c while discussing about importance of health said that in the world there are many things that attract us, whether it be wealth, fame, property or relatives, but if one has to choose among them, then any sensible person will select good health. Because if there is health, then everything else can be protected, developed, all relationships can be lived. Good health is also very important for worshiping the God, he added.
Prof. Abul Kalam, Director, Directorate of Distance Education and Chairman, Sports Monitoring Committee, MANUU commented that Universities mainly emphasize on education and have made many arrangements to train and strengthen brain of the students but we are yet to lay our proper focus on behavioural culture of the new generation. Good culture helps in keeping the humanity up and above. Sporting activities are part of healthy culture. Prof. Kalam pointed out.
Resource persons - Dr. K V Rajasekhar, Director, Physical Education Department, HCU addressed the importance of physical fitness, Dr. Arun Kumar Sao, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar, MP spoke on “Pranayama: A Way to Ensure Harmony in Body & Mind” whereas Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh, DSVV, Haridwar, delivered the lecture on “Psychosomatic approach of Yogasana” and Dr. Ritu Sharma, Editor & Trainer, Being Mindful, Bhopal discussed the “Mental Health”.
The webinar Coordinator, Dr. Ashwani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education and Training welcomed the speakers. The Convenor, Dr. A Kaleemulla, Deputy Director, DPE & Sports, MANUU was the moderator of the technical session and proposed vote of thanks.
The webinar was webcast on MANUU youtube channel and is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t2K3tbSwtY.
MANUU Pr 6-11-2020.pdf