MANUU to host 4th National Urdu Social Sciences Congress Online Important Information for Paper Presenters: Prof. SM Rahmatullah, VC I/c
School of Arts and Social Sciences (SA&SS) of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is organizing the Fourth National Urdu Social Science Congress online on December 22 and 23, 2020.
According to Prof. S M Rahmathullah, Vice-Chancellor I/c, Convenor and Dean, the main theme of the congress is“Social Sciences: Decline & Resurgence ”.
The sub-themes are - ‘Strengthing the discipline of Women Studies: The role of Higher Education’; ‘Public Administration: Relevance & Resurgence’; ‘Profession of Social Work in India: Issues and Challenges’; ‘Politics: Contemporary Issues & Challenges’; ‘Islamic Studies: Contemporary Challenges & Possibilities’; ‘Issues in History: Challenges & Possibilities’; ‘Rise & Growth of Sociology in South Asia: Challenges Ahead’; ‘Economics: Contemporary Issues’; ‘Politics & Exclusion: Issues & Challenges’; ‘Deccan Studies: Scope & Significance’.
According to Prof. Shahida Co-Convenor & Head, Women Education, papers shall be written in Urdu in Inpage or Unicode only. Interested participants can submit the abstract of their papers on email nusscmanuu@gmail.com by 10th December, 2020 and the last date for submission of the complete paper is 15th December along with the contact details of the presenter.
Online Registration form will be available on University website manuu.edu.in. Link of the congress will be shared after the registration.
For further information contact phone nos. 9490377817 or 9885493886; email: nusscmanuu@gmail.com.