Submitted by MSQURESHI on Wed, 11/25/2020 - 17:34
PRO Office Image Press Release : Nov 25, 2020 PressRelease

MANUU extends last Date for Distance Courses

Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), has extended the last date for admission into its various Undergraduate and post Graduate distance programmes including B.Ed. for July 2020 session toNovember 30, 2020. Earlier, the last date was November 25.


According to Prof. Abul Kalam, Director, DDE, considering the pandemic situation and the representations received from stake holdersfrom all over the country the directorate has extended the last date of submission of online applications.


MANUU is offering admissions in M.A. (Urdu, English, History, Hindi, Islamic Studies & Arabic), B.Ed., B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. (Life Sciences - BZC and Physical Sciences - MPC), Diploma courses (Teach English and Journalism & Mass Communication) and Certificate courses (Proficiency in Urdu through English & Functional English for Urdu Speakers). These courses are recognised by the Distance Education Bureau (UGC) and NCTE. The e-prospectus and online application forms are available at “ADMISSIONS” on the Directorate’s website The form is to be submitted online with Registration Fee of Rs. 1000/- for B.Ed (DM) and Rs. 300/- for other programmes.

For further details contact Student Support Services Unit (SSSU) Helpline Nos. 040-23008463, 23120600 (Extn. 2207) or visit university website. The candidates can also contact or visit any of the MANUU Regional Centres/Sub-Regional Centres located at Hyderabad, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Patna, Darbhanga, Bhopal, Ranchi, Amaravathi, Srinagar, Jammu, Nuh (Mewat) and Lucknow. The Distance mode network of MANUU is providing service through its 9 Regional Centres (RCs) and 5 Sub Regional Centres (SRCs) along with 155 Learner Support Centres (LSCs) across the country. 

Efforts to bring progressive change in Madrasas Appreciated MANUU Conducts UNFPA project Training successfully in Bihar

Conceptualising the idea for bringing progressive and sustainable change in the Madarsas through alternative pedagogical practices is appreciable. These are the views expressed by Mr. Abdul Qayyum Ansari, Chairman, Bihar State Madarsa Education Board, during the valedictory programme of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) -Maulana Azad National Urdu University Adolescents Education Programme Project. A seven day state level training under UNFPA-MANUU AEP which started on November 18 ended successfully on November 24, 2020 at Patna, Bihar. While highlighting the importance of education, Mr. Qayyum Ansari stressed that Islam begins with the command to ‘read’ and to ‘know’. He appreciated the contribution of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in imparting effective training to the Master Trainers and Facilitators.

The Training was conducted to train 48 Master Trainers and Facilitators who will further train 1000 Madarsa Teachers. AEP is scaled up in all Madarsas of Bihar under the leadership of Bihar State Madarsa Education Board. The programme focuses on adolescent’s empowerment, their capacity building and responsible citizenship. It envisages in developing resource centres for a cluster of 40 madarasas which will act as technical hub for training, counselling and creative expressions to trigger agency in students of madarasas. 

Dr. Muhammad Nadeem Noor, Chief, UNFPA, Bihar in his address said that Conceptualising and giving concrete shape to the AEP Project was not an easy task. To address issues of Muslims, this is possibly going to be the second largest team of professionals on ground after Polio Programme, he reminded. He expressed that strong vision to serve the underserved has played a vital role in integrating all the stakeholders including Jamia Millia Islamia, MANUU, Bihar Madarasa Board and UNFPA.

The Project Director, Prof. Mohd Shahid (MANUU) reminded the objectives of programme and requested all trainers to be upfront in the field with honesty and integrity. He clarified that such trainings will be continued in future to ensure effective implementation of the programme.       

Mr. Hasan Waris, Senior Consultant, UNFPA and Neha Mallick, Programme Manager, UNFPA also graced the programme. Dr Shafayat Ahmad, Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad, Dr. Chand Ansari, Dr. Md. Afroz Alam, Mr. Sonu Rajak, Mr Shafeeque Ahmad and Dr Afroz Ansari were the key trainers who successfully conducted the training.

Mr. Md Israr Alam, compered the valedictory session and commented on the process of the training. Prof. Faiz Ahmad, Principal CTE, MANUU Darbhanga and AEP Project Coordinator proposed vote of thanks. He expressed gratitude to the Chairman, Bihar Madarsa Education Board for his support at all the fronts. He also thanked Prof. Mohd Shahid for anchoring and Dr. Nadeem Noor for conceptualising the whole programme.


MANUU Pr 25-11-2020.pdf