MANUU to organize second phase of online SIP
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is organizing second phase of online Deekhsharambh-Students Induction Programme (SIP) 2020 from December 14 to 19 for students admitted after November 17.
The online sessions will be held every day from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm on Instructional Media Centre, MANUU Youtube Channel.
According to Prof. Syed Alim Ashraf, Dean, Student’s Welfare recently admitted students can register themselves on https://forms.gle/mQ5MdG3QihyEnaJ47. The students may join the Telegram Group using the link https://t.me/joinchat/RxAsJU5oYZ_is9_8qNxGiw
Attending all sessions is compulsory for students. E Certificate will be issued to the participants through email.
MANUU Pr 11-12-2020.pdf